Subscription Tax

Can’t be stated enough.

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Net neutrality passed and my neighbor was publicly flogged.

No, it does not.

It has to do with taxation (aka government theft) because brick-n-plaster stores could not compete with the Amazons of the world.

So the government comes in as some potential “arbiter” and under the guise of “fairness” levels another tax on the individual. (Or the SC enacts another ruling outside their bailiwick). Take your pick.

Also, if you thought this was about “net neutrality”?


You need to read more and stop listening to from wherever you get your “news”.


You can probably expect sales and use tax to be applied to more services as time goes on. There are Trillions of dollars of revenue that states want to tap into.

This is your only recourse. Good luck.

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Ajit Pai (FCC) killed net neutrality, but although that may result in your internet connection costing more in the long run, it has nothing to do with the sales tax issue.


I didn’t say it was, I asked a question about IF it was. Big difference. You need to up your reading comprehension game.

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I’m commenting on the fact that you had to ask.


“… in this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes and WoW dying”

- Frank Benjim


Move to New Hampshire the live free or die State, and you will not be getting that tax. The best advice I can give, is for people to start voting libertarian, and get rid of all the tax and spend politicians currently in power. Especially at your State and Town levels of Government.

Chicago’s broke af anyway, so there’s no surprise they need an entertainment tax.

Almost as funny as California’s proposed text message tax.

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I like the way you think.

The property taxes in NH are insane. You could not buy a house there but renting is just as expensive the closer you are to MA. Almost everyone has a cache of weapons also, which is a good thing or a bad thing depending on your POV.

21% Jesus Christ.

Actually this isn’t true. You cannot tax someone outside of your state. The SELLER’s location doesn’t matter anymore, it’s the buyers that matters.

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Good thing. Keeps a certain subsect of people the hell away from me.

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The even more underhanded aspect of it is Amazon was on board for this change because as it turns out they are set up to collect taxes for all 50 states and have services set up to do it for smaller vendors.

Kind of like how they raised their minimum wage to $15 for all their employees and currently lobbying the Feds to make everyone else do it knowing full well they are about to replace a sizable portion of their labor force w/ automation.

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Someone posted the link to an article in the Times about it. It has more details than I remember.

I agree w/ you but that doesn’t change the fact that they passed it and retailers are now charging tax.

Remember kids, while the minimum wage is the least I CAN pay you, it’s also the most I HAVE to pay you.


Except they aren’t. Only some states are, and only those states are charged tax. Here in Florida, digital sales aren’t taxed. I pay no tax with Blizzard.

Automation is going to be a total disaster for laborers, even worse than the coal mining and automobile industries collapsing. If you’re low-skilled and with the lack of a social safety net in place in the US, many people are not going to have a pot to…yeah, I can’t post that idiom on the forums.

I agree. I got into a huge argument when I was in college w/ my economics professors when Nafta was in its planning stages.

His arguement was low skill labor would be a thing of the past and my not seeing that was a sign of my shortsightedness.

Here we are 20 someodd years later and low skill labor is still a thing and is once again threatened.

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