Subscription cancelled

You think a solution to a 3 hour queue is to log in at 9am and then check the game every 15 minutes to make sure you’re not disconnected and lose your spot, all so you can play later in the day. Very dumb suggestion from a no lifer with no friends


What about those of us who been on Benediction since Day 1 classic and it was MEDIUM population back then? It wasn’t a mega-server until TBC. So we should be forced to not play, or leave servers, just because blizz cant manage their own servers? The game is 20 years old, there is no reason they can’t fix this issue, if they upgrade their server technology and hardware.


I’ve never once disconnected when I logged in at 9 am. I am just trying to give out a helpful suggestion here, there’s no need to call me a no-lifer with no friends, if anything maybe you’re the one with no life or no friends, if you’re really here complaining about the queues. If you had a life and friends, you’d be doing that instead of arguing with someone you don’t know.

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^ For real lmao.

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I think I struck a nerve when I pointed out you have no life and no friends LOL

They want you to take the free transfer so in 4 months you’ll pay them to transfer back!
fricken awful company


You really didn’t lol. But alright, thank you for telling me all about my life. Though I do wonder, what makes you think I have no life or friends? Is it because I spend my free time waiting in queues and doing other things instead of complaining? And insulting others because I can’t get into the game? For your information, I went to the mall with a friend yesterday. So I guess I have no friends.

I’m waiting on a 8515 queue for Benediction and guess what? same as you, I choose this server,this is not blizzards fault, if you dont want stupid long queues theres so many servers and even free transfers from Benny

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This IS blizzard’s fault and the free transfers are to dead servers that no one wants to play on

Yes I hope you cancel subscription and leave. Make the game more enjoyable for the rest of us that are smart enough NOT to play on an already overly packed server. LMAO


Seek a therapist.

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You’re playing on a megaserver. 4 days after a major content patch.

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yeah you clown just bang out like 4 hour long episodes of LotR while u wait


I’m just saying what I do while I wait lol. Not saying you have to love my idea,

OP’s tears

Hey, OP, no one cares that you played and no one cares that you’re leaving. No one cares that you’ll be back in 2 weeks. Truly, nobody cares.

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It’s amazing how little people know about technology and just want them to magically “fix” the problem people created. You know, I waited last night in queue for over 3 hours. Did it suck? yes… Did I complain? no, because I knew what I was getting into when I started on a server that reads “FULL”.

There are limitations to technology. Some of the limitations can’t be fixed by throwing money at it. If it were that easy to fix all the problems in the world we wouldn’t have cancer in 2022. :roll_eyes: :roll_eyes:


Adios! Bye. Glad yer gone.

You clearly know nothing about technology if you think this isn’t something they can fix pretty easily.

There are other servers you can choose. You and your friends can transfer or reroll to a server. I’ve been playing on Ashkandi (horde) and Pagle (alliance), and both are quite stable with no queues so far.

OK see you in northrend