Subscription cancelled

Hopefully more people do this. Why pay for a game you cant play or that literally gives you anxiety once you finally do get logged in that you now have to do everything possible to not get logged out so when you actually feel like playing you can.

Benediction server 2+hour Q on a saturday early afternoon.

Get you game fixed blizzard. Was almost fun while it lasted.

Glad I convinced 4 of my friends to give you money to come play and they quit after 3 days of not being able to play as well. but hey yall got our $15 and a transfer fee outta me cause i wanted to play with my guildies after our server got faction imbalanced beyond reason(another great decision keeping transfers open and grabbing those dollars).

In 2022 imagine a 17 year old game having server issues. A paid subscription with no access to what you paid for…

GG Blizzard GG well played.


You have access - but servers can’t hold the amount of people all trying to log in at the same time. Blizzard offered you free transfers to a server with no queue


Yeah sadly more and more will follow you, myself included. They really need to be better at communicating, even if they can’t fix the issues there should be more open dialogue instead of keeping people in the dark.


If a game is giving you anxiety then WOW isn’t for you, or really gaming in general. Games shouldn’t give you anxiety, they should be giving you enjoyment.


then refund my trans a screwed server. plus what is that server i am transfering to going to be in 1 month. empty and then they will want $25 to transfer back to play on a populated server. now…


Log in early, I’m talking 9 am.

you chose to transfer to a full server knowing full well it could have a return to queues at any time


More people would take this offer if they also offered a free transfer back, it’s not realistic for people to leave behind hundreds of hours of progress because they can’t seem to maintain their servers.

I think if they offered people a free transfer back once servers become more stable you’d see far more people willing to give that option a shot, but it makes no sense to hold yourself hostage for $35.


Don’t pay attention to the trolls in here. They are just doing what trolls do. You are absolutely right to feel frustrated and Blizzard absolutely has the power to fix this… they just choose not to.


which would lead right back to where we are now


Lol, okay. Log in early, don’t sit here and yell at me for choosing a sever you willingly chose. I am just trying to be nice and helpful here, but okay.

and screw everyone that cant log in that early and get an anti afk macro? so in otherwords be part of the problem not the solution. wise words wise words


Oh are they going to log into people’s accounts and force them to log out or transfer so you can play?


Right so that’s what makes this a problem, it begins and ends with Blizzard not the player. People move to mega servers out of convenience and not wanting to be on dead servers, this can be seen as a player made issue until you realize it’s inevitable and they should’ve listened to the feedback they’ve been given since Classic launched instead of trying to capitalize off boosts and transfers.


What do you want people to tell you? First of all, you chose a full server knowing damn well queues will be huge, second of all, you have a choice to migrate off that server. Do what I do, watch a TV show or watch youtube while you wait.

i understand where you are coming from and not mad at you. but that solution perpetuates the problem it does not fix anything. this needs to be fixed not hey i know the better way to win the Q battle blizzard has created.


i think that’s his point. i had just waited in line for 3 hours yesterday and had to take a massive dump right as the queue was less than 1 minute left. I sweat bullets on the toilet hoping i didnt get afk’d out of the character screen


People demanded the classic experience - they got it.

We could have done cross realm, connected realms the whole deal but people cried “b-b-b-b-b-b-b-uuuut that’s retail”.

So here we are


When I transferred this server wasn’t full it said high on it. But even so, there are many people who rolled originally on Benediction that are getting screwed over on this. I feel sorry for them because they didn’t transfer anywhere. Many people really don’t want to leave their guild or friends behind and some have been burned in the past doing a transfer that was free to a server that in the end was a dead server.

I think everyone needs to be a little more compassionate here. Seems we have way too many people just being downright ugly to other players who are voicing their concerns and frustrations.


God Cross Realm would be such a blessing, I still blame Blizzard because ultimately they make the final call. They profited heavily off keeping things server side and allowing mass xfers, if they didn’t receive feedback against all this then I’d maybe blame the community but they knew what was going to happen and they just sat back and watched.