Subscription cancelled

You joined a high population server what did you expect? It’s the same as it was 12 years ago high population servers are bad because of que times.

You could just use the free server migration. Wouldn’t take much to gain access to the subscription that you are QQing about not having access to. Your problem exists between the keyboard and the chair.

I will never come back to a game with a server Q. I pay for a game to play it not to wait to play it.

When you went to benediction it warned you that there would be queue times, it does this on all full servers.

ok so dont play with the friends irl and made in game. just go start and play with no one you know and completely ruin the social experience WoW is supposed to give?

great logic. sounds like you have a disconnect between reason and logic.

Well, better stop playing MMORPGS

So when the free server turns into a ghost town in a few months are you going to pay for his transfer back? Because you know bliz will charge for that…


It was wise to delete that.

You aren’t thinking at all, and are reacting emotionally. It’s not hard to communicate with friends out of game, and co-ordinate moving from an overcapped server with a queue time, to one of the 2 that they are freely letting us move to. Stop crying, and start thinking logically, I did it, it wasn’t hard to do.

It still is and I can’t describe anyone who thinks otherwise as anything but stupid, honestly.

There’s no material negative impact on your gameplay when running on a stable 5k pop server. It’s a stupid retail mentality to act like that’s not enough.

Go to retail, quit, or please stop the whining.

undeleted, was misclick

Almighty sage with foresight of the future. Please teach us all how to use this gift you have to know that in a few months Benediction will be the only server populated again, instead of OB or Sulf being the ones with the biggest population.

I’m glad benediction has high queue times. Alliance players crashed a perfectly balanced server and screwed over the horde there making them xfer off. You put yourself in this position. You all look so smart right now lmao.


or play ones that arent broken or expect money for a sub you cannot use. Hence the OG title. but yep keep arguing and paying the company happily. Love when sheep dont know they are sheep and when someone tries to explain it to them they actually blame themselves for being sheep…

Its called problem solving lol.

wierd. happened to my server on whitemane. funny that you prolly play there now. horde screwed that. tit for tat…

I play on Sulfuras forced to xfer off bene. What goes around comes around.

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Godspeed young rouge.

You will be missed.

You can all take the FREE transfer!

hey op not sure if you knew this but there are FREE, yes thats right, F R E E transfers.