Subscription cancelled

Yeah there’s no getting through to someone who thinks like this (ie. everyone complaining about queues).

seriously… that would be like using the analogy that the busiest most popular restaurant has 2 chairs and invites 5000 people to come eat there meal. get it right this is blizzards fault for not upgrading infrastructure and adding coding to make the servers handle more people.

As a client or customer in what other business or company would you pay for no service??? if the restaurant you speak of charged you $15 but didnt guarentee you a reservation? would you give them your $15?

No this isnt a player base issue. sure player exacerbated but its not the players issue to fix, it is our choice if we want to pay to not play the way we chose. hence why i cancelled my sub.

So get a grip and quit blaming yourself your dad never came back with that pack of cigarettes. He is the jackass. You are the victim…

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A long post of nothing but whining. A game gives you anxiety so you are heavily weak minded. Long queues mean server is full, nothing to do with the game or blizzard. The argument about the game being 15 years old with server issues is also idiotic. Servers are designed to have a set amount of characters to have smooth play. You have a few options. 1: stop playing wow(recommended). 2: transfer character to a less pop realm. 3: grow up and stop crying


Can I has your stuffs?

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I suggest #1 and #3 for him.

I find these posts entertaining. Some of the posts mention they started on Bene, and didn’t transfer, and some say they transfered.

It doesn’t matter, you had plenty of warning, you knew this was coming, you chose this.

I do feel bad though, no queue on Pagle, and it’s been locked by Blizzard for damage control. They probably should have done that months ago with Bene and Firemaw, but hindsight is 20/20, and it really isn’t their problem when they have made it clear 30,000 people on a server won’t work.

But we can play dumb together and blame them.

Friendly reminder (and not just for blizzard but anything with active users connecting to a server) that queues are not the problem, they are the solution. The alternative is login servers simply crashing under load and then you have to guess when ppl arent trying to log in/server has recovered so that there is an actual server to process your login request.

they want the transfer fees so they let people transfer

pagle is a crap realm I transfered AWAY from that

Yes, then maybe my friends and I can get in!

lol good bait, if not then ur just a retrd

You’ve been explicitly warned when you transfered to faerlina or benediction that the server were full and there could be queus.

Skyfury is a 3 hour-4 hour que at 6 PST quit your complaining. This is a fresh server too.

Omggggg woe is me.


OP can I have your stuff?

but they did not offer cross-server grouping so what you are suggesting is a bandaid and wholly laughable.

people are paying to play an MMO, if they are too incompetent to offer that they should not advertise and bill for such.

But what about the players already home
and playing on vibrant servers with no Queues, and then Blizz announces consolidation of 41 classic servers to 21, with free xfers to servers of your choice. >>FF>> to pre-patch and you now have 1-2 hr queses around the clock & 4-6 hr queue times during peak gaming hrs! How is this a way to operate a business in any world you want to describe?


Myzrael currently has no queue and we’re all very welcoming of all transferees!!!

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keep shilling for blizz. grow up. this isn’t something that is funny and by making these type of comments you are making yourself look small. pick a different topic to try to be funny about.

No one cares, throwing a temper like a 2 year old because you don’t instantly get on a video game is so stupid, people throw fits all day, they did during classic vanilla launch, they did during tbc launch, guess what? you people still subbed and played the game cry more.

Wow community is nothing but grown adults that behave like children, I would be ashamed as a human if I was one of you people crying about q’s on a video game.

Entitled brats.