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“Don’t complain about queues on a server you picked”
:upside_down_face: I picked the RP server, and was forced onto a huge RP-PVP server with like barely any RP happening, so actually I didn’t pick the server and I definitely don’t want to transfer off the only RP server. Seems kinda unfair don’t you think?

Yes that, and many of us picked a server on 08/19/19, which with the exception or TBC launch, saw little to no disruptions or server Queues until this latest plan of brilliance unleashed upon all of us! Server consolidation 1 week before a pre-patch with the added cherry on top being the complete and total incompetence of planning and forecasting the huge influx of new or returning accounts for WOTLK! So, what you’re really saying is, how dare we expect a company (who has the hindsight of doing this once before in 2008) to get it right?

Why are we continuously only mentioning people who xfer’d in recently, and how they should live with their choice? What about thousands of players already there and playing with no issues, suddenly asked to wait 4-6 hrs to log in and play?

We lost someone last week who cancelled because of queues and gametime ended Friday. Myself and two more guild members unsubbed today.

Tomorrow is raid day and it’s become a red line for alot of people in my guild.

Cancelled both my accounts today, those queues are retarded…


too long to read but finally!
thank you!

one less person to complain about everything in this community!

This is absolutely ridiculous. I’ve already had to transfer twice because Blizzard DID allow my previous servers to die. Guildies lost their names, we lost a gbank, we lost friends/regular PUGs, etc. Because of this happening to us TWICE now since the start of classic we were essentially forced onto a mega server to prevent it from happening again. Now we literally can’t play and there are people out here blaming it on the players?? Get out of here with that nonsense. Blizzard’s incompetence from the launch of classic until now is entirely the reason. If you were even playing back then I’d assume you remember how even from the start they launched with far too few servers, allowed names to be created and things, then had massive login queues at the start and had to open up new servers well after it was too late because they’ve failed the players miserably from the start of classic until now in the name of penny pinching.


I cancelled too, tired of Blizzards crap on this one after all these years.


if blizzard offered you a bag of garbage, but it was free, would you take it?

Time to try FFXIV


but the classic experience can be fixed if its broken in place, much more than in the past

They wouldn’t have lasted to begin with if a week or two of queues made them quit

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10 characters


God forbid they actually merge servers when they need to. There shouldn’t be ANY chance of ever playing on a dead server. And there wouldn’t be if Blizzard did their job.

I don’t disagree with you that Blizzard should have actively managed/merged server populations starting back in Classic. I also wasn’t surprised when they didn’t given their track record.

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It’s disgraceful. Dead servers should never exist.

Well said. I’m still creeping on these forums even though our little group of friends all cancelled subs… Crazy to see a percentage here play devil’s advocate instead of rallying together around issues that ruin the game

I have been around since 6 months after vanilla launched on cenarian circle I remember long cues server instability. It happens. You have to take the good with the bad. They offered you a solution

Imagine transferring to a mega server and complaining about the queues.

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Oh noes, more scrubadins leaving? Don’t tell me it is so?