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His point is that in 2022, this shouldn’t be a problem anymore for a multi billion dollar company.

Imagine being this privileged…

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We need more people like you. Maybe then blizzard will grow a brain.

That’s the thing. Yes, many players chose to move to Bene. But it’s on Blizz for allowing it for so long (actively encouraging it, even) that the server is too big for their infrastructure to handle.

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Use your smartphone and install remote desktop software to log in the queue when you’re away from home.

I recently found a 2004 forum threat about server queues - it literally sounded like all the posts here lol. There was even people calling out other people for defending blizzard, claiming final fantasy was better, other people replying that they too had queues ect ect ect.

It’s honestly very nostalgic

He knew it was a problem before he started. Should or shouldn’t be a problem for a billion dollar company is immaterial here.

If I date a woman whom I know to be a serial cheater do I get to be outraged when she cheats on me? No. I should have known better or I accepted the risk.

It really doesn’t matter that she shouldn’t be cheating on her partner.

Exactly, Bene and other mega servers should have been locked to transfers and new character creation long ago.

I moved all my ally off bene, now I can play. No regrets!

ok bye have fun

its going to last for 2 weeks at max grow up

Wrong way to make this point … It would when you go to a popular restaurant that has a great crowd all week that you eat at regularly but when they add a new sought out item to the menu then people decide to start flocking the restaurant at peak times then complaining they cant get a table /shrug

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This has to be one of the poorest analogies of all time. Using your analogy, it would be more like if you went to the busiest restaurant in town where you need reservations and then cried because you have a 2hr wait time as a walk-in.

You CHOSE the biggest server that anyone with common sense would know that there would be huge queues at launch, and are now blaming Blizz.

Grab some tissues and keep crying.

Yeah this is bad. Mispeled had a good post in the CC

Okay but like what did you expect, you said it yourself the game’s 17 years old and nothing’s changed

I don’t blame the restaurant when I show up at peak hours and have to wait 45 minutes for a table.

When you paid in advance and have to wait 6 hours do you blame the restaurant?

there’s restaurants like this?

Not unless Blizzard owns one.

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it was your choice to play on that server knowing it was overpopulated and you deserve this