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Because there is a fix they could do in theory - but people hated the idea, and it’s kinda too late to do it now

I’m sorry. Have a great journey. Sorry, I am dumb.

I don’t see how that applies what I said to that other guy?

Transfers to other servers would work, if there was a cross-realm DF

With a new XPac coming, no one wants to play on dead servers and make 0 progression.

The big servers on na didn’t have a queue mid xpac, so, it’ll be the same as now except people didn’t have to pay an additional $25 to escape a dead realm. If Sulfuras/Old Blanchy die in a few months, the player base will be low enough to support those people moving back to grob/faerlina/bene without the queues.

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If you can’t follow your own conversation - whatever

at least you acknowledge it

They are. Sulfurus is a full server currently. Old Blanchy is medium realm pop.

Sulfuras has been on a very downward trend since the horde vs horde battlegrounds became a thing. we all know Sulfuras will be dead again soon.

walk me through how you got from A to B on that one

You gots got wrecked by some inconsiderate FOTM chasers. I was one of you in TBC

How specifically would you like them to fix it?

Sulfuras was already in rough shape at the time. Open world stuff was mostly dominated by horde while Alliance at least had the BG advantage. After they gave ANOTHER perk to Horde the already smaller Alliance population gave up and moved to new servers.

you realize bg queues are cross server right?

Doesn’t change the fact that the change led to the fact that the already outnumbered Alliance players were demoralized and moved to servers like Bene

It was actually very easy to see the death of servers like sulfuras when they announced the HvH battleground changes but no one listened

why would horde having instant queues with HvH demoralize alliance to transfer off?

We were already outnumbered in the open world, trying to do a dungeon was a pain thanks to the crazy amount of horde controlling all the summoning stones. Instant BG queues were the last advantage we had over horde and when that was taken away from us we decided to move to better servers

so how is that connected to HvH battlegrounds - that would take more horde out of the open world from corpse camping you

If you can’t see how they’re connected then there’s no hope for you