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If it’s that obvious then you should have no problem explaining it to the “hopeless”

because it’s literally not connected except to delusional people.

If we still had no HvH battlegrounds it wouldn’t suddenly make every server balanced - across all servers alliance and horde is balanced, Alliance players trend to not wanting to queue battlegrounds, or play on pvp servers. That’s what lead to 1-2hr queues for horde and instant queues for alliance.

There was no overall imbalance when it came to battlegrounds, it was Alliance not wanting to queue

I already did. Alliance had one advantage on that server compared to horde dominating every other area. Blizzard decided that Horde children need everything, added HvH BG in. the already outnumbered alliance said screw this and went to other servers like Bene. Sorry you’ve got a super low IQ and can’t understand something so simple

Is this really the best you can come up with? Resorting to insults is already pathetic enough, but this is the best you can come up with?

I played on sulfuras I know how things were at the time. within a month of the HvH battleground change the alliance population all left

You can’t understand the simplest of things, how else should I describe you? Would you prefer if I just called you dim instead?

you cared enough to respond thanks! Now you can go about your pointless existence not caring about anything. Good day.

You’re embarrassing yourself. You have no actual argument and so are resorting to insults in order to make yourself sound big. Your “explanation” doesn’t even make sense - HvH battlegrounds have literally nothing to do with Horde dominating the world because battlegrounds are instanced to begin with. Now, if you’d like to have an actual discussion, stop with the childish insults, calm down, and be a decent human being for once in your miserable life

Explain what good reason there is to continue playing on a server already dominated by horde when the one advantage you have in the game is taken away because of all the horde crying? Like how dim are you that you don’t understand that actions have consequences?

If you want to have an actual discussion, stop with the childish insults, calm down, and be a decent human being for once in your miserable life

Sorry I hurt your feelings dimmy

My feelings have nothing to do with it, it’s about you being an adult

I wouldnt bother anymore Terengen. this person is a 10 watt bulb in a 100 box… you explained it perfectly. they just wants to argue because you made a perfectly vbalid point but and they dont like the fact they were wrong.

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So now that you quit can you move on? Your whining is annoying.

See you in northrend comrade

This isn’t a fixing the game problem. This is a server capacity problem. The only answer is mega servers which in the capacity players want doesn’t exist. There are ways to address it put it puts fear into the hearts of hardcore Classic players when they are mentioned.

And live Dragon Flight on the horizon. My prediction is servers will be dead well before the lich king raid. It’s bad timing I think.

You can’t read can you

I laughed so hard!! Thank you!!!

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How. Specifically.

What does “upgrade their server hardware” mean to you? What do you think they use now, and what should they upgrade to?

Can you read the word “specifically” and respond appropriately?