Submit Your Questions for the WoW Development Team Here

What is the timeline for additional customization options for existing races?

When I compare the number of options available to the male dracthyr visage to male void elves, the male dracthyr have more different types of customization, like the separation of facial hair between beards and mustaches while void elves are stuck with the same 6 options from Legion. I would like to see all races brought up to the same variety of options available to night elves.

Im pretty sure this was answered on twitter. It will be dynamic flying like a mount, your own ‘flight form’.

The expansion focuses on the return of Xal’atath and a new form of Dwarves. Does that mean Moira will have a role in this new Saga?

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Can we see any update to Toys CDs and Duration?

As mentioned by the council, some of those toys are used for RP or any other reason but there’s some with small CDs and others with 4- 24+ hours CDs.

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Any plans to allow mythic raids to scale? 10-20 players? I love raiding mythic with my guild but getting AND keeping 20 people to raid is sometimes impossible. We were able to consistently have 15-17 people show up for our raid times, but due to burnout or real life, we ultimately had to stop progression on mythic neltharian because of being short just a few players that night. This has consistently happened every expansion since WoD. Perhaps, flex can be enabled after race to world first? The longer a patch goes on the harder it is to consistently have 20 people show up. I just wanna raid the hardest difficulty without worrying if enough people will show up.


Was it from wowhead?

Will paladins and shamans be available for all races in 11.0 or 10.2.7? If not, what is the road map looking like to allow all races to be all classes?

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Will all races be able to be Shaman and Paladin in 11.0 or 10.2.7? If not, is there any sort of plan?

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Can we expect currencies to be handle in the currency tab instead of bags more frequently? It’s still an issue with bag space.


Will DELVES have a unique self-contained progression system, such as Titanic Research (Horrific Visions), Chromie Talents (Deaths of Chromie), or Box of Many Things (Torghast)? Something to progress over many runs during the season.

Will there be additional glyphs? I thought death’s due had the perfect visual for frost dk’s death and decay spell. I want a permanent version of blue death and decay.


When is Cross Faction Queuing going to happen?

  • It would be nice to be able to queue for dungeons with my horde guildies
  1. Will we see a comeback of the “Blacklist” for Battlegrounds? It’s so annoying to play BGs you dont like (e.g. reworked deepwing gore, Katmogu or Seething Shore)

  2. Can you bring back the original Deepwing Gore? It’s gameplay was unique and interesting

  3. How often do you plan to bring new BGs (One/two per year; one every new addon…)?

  4. What about new achievments for BGs and for Honorable Kills? Any thoughs on Rewards like Transmog, Illusions, Mounts?

  5. Are there plans for a PvP Zone like 1k Winter or Tol Barad?

  6. How are you going to increase the popularity of RBG? They’re still in a miserable state

  7. Will PvP Sets finally have a comback?

  8. Will we be able to buy sockets for PvP gear with Honor/Conquest Points?

  9. Thoughts on a ELO-System for Rated PvP?

  10. What about Open PvP and rewards?


Is there anything down the pipeline for a earth themed tanking 4th spec for shamans?


No. It means that, if you’re farming transmog as a cloth wearer, if you should happen to pick up plate, leather, mail, etc. pieces of gear, they’ll be added to the library, and your toons that wear that respective armor type can now use the apperence. This way, you won’t have to farm with multiple toons. You can still only do Cloth to cloth, Mail to mail, etc. That part is unfortunately not changing


So, the BfA raids were going to be made soloable in 10.1.5 ‘or shortly after,’ any updated ETA on that?


Karazaa posted on X that Dracthyr soar would behave the same as dragonriding (removing spell CD) starting in 10.2.5. What are the chances of getting the same ability for Demon Hunters and Druids?


We got a Siege of Orgrimmar skip after asking a few times…Can we expect some skips for Legacy Raids like ICC, BT…ETC?


Are dracthyr going to be able to choose to be other classes?

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Can we expect rares with big respawns like 2-3 hours? It leads to frustating grinds for specific items, Instead please add ways to summon the rares via gameplay instead of waiting for respawns.