Will Bladestorm return for fury warrior? I miss it a great deal and fury had Bladestorm for many years. It was epic and felt furious with the animation of the spinning whirlwind of death.
I cannot stand ground target aoe abilities for warrior. I did not realize until DF (as a warrior who went night fae and not kyrian in SL) how wrong it felt to have ground target aoe attaks on my warrior. I’ve never had a ground target aoe ability on warrior before and it feels wrong. It will always feel wrong. I want to have a viable spec as fury with bladestorm and with NO ravager or bladestorm. Ravager feels wrong - it can be the most op ability in the world and I will still hate it. I wait all of my dps to come from the weapons being wielded in my warrior’s hands - no throwing things on the ground. I’ve been a warrior main for my entire time playing (since 2011 - more than half the life of this game).
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With the Dracthyr getting dynamic flying in 10.2.5, will there be a possibility of this expanding to other groups that can have wings like demon hunters (perhaps an option to always show wings)?
Is doing something with Gilneas on the docket? We’ve heard hints, but it’d be nice to hear more.
Customizations are always something that I look forward to. Will work continue on those and adding more options?
Ever since we saw the night elven paladin in Legion, I’ve wanted that option. Is that a class combo being assessed for the future?
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I would like to know what the fate of Augmentation evokers will be, and if there are any plans to implement other support specs.
I love the idea of Hero sub-specs deepening the class fantasy. However, I fear that just adding a bunch of passive effects does not do that fantasy justice. I think having at least one active ability that feels really thematic and cool to use would complement the Hero talent tree and would feel epic to use.
(Obviously button bloat is a concern and I think classes would benefit from some pruning on a base level in order to free up space for some new awesome stuff!)
Do you’ve plans to move the minimum level for Holiday’s epic bag for the next expansion? Usually its moved to Max level - 10, Can we get a minimum permanent level or improve the RNG so we don’t have to grind with 50+ characters.
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Will there be plans for Cross-Realm Personal Work Orders?
Are the upcoming Arathi armors in The War Within going to be obtainable as transmogs or are they going to be NPC only?
Is there a chance that you will enable mounting in all legacy raids so that we can make it less painful? After doing molten core 500 times having to walk back to Ragnaros really makes me not want to play.
Also will the new system to unlock transmogs also work for class restrictions like old tier sets?
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Can we get a way to save different customizations for mounts with multiple options? Similar to transmogs and then we can summon different versions, instead of going to the “barber” every time we want to change these mounts. Maybe few slots, for example right now my main can only pick 1 version for each dragon model, so I can’t have a protodrake with Razsageth skin and another one with a Infinite kind of vibe at the same time.
Looks like you are getting your wish in 10.2.5
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Is a @player macro not suitable to your liking?
Any chance of applying the cross faction features to LFD/LFR?
With the deep dive of Dynamic Flying having been done by Ion, admitting that Old School flying is preferred by enough to have Pathfinder requirements removed and to not remove it from the future of the game, why then is it still being locked behind max level while having dynamic flying on day 1 while still admitting it also affects players with disabilities and not just personal preferences?
There is no longer a reason nor excuse to keep old school flying from day 1 other than the fear it will show that more people prefer it over a developers desire to force people to use his personal design.
Introducing hero talents sounds like the perfect opportunity to revolutionize classes and specs. Im pretty sure that all hunters went crazy with the Dark Ranger, we have been asking for this for way too long. Now my question is what is Sentinel all about? Is survival going back to range? In case we are still melee are getting away from the bombs and maybe Dual Wield (swards, axes, daggers?
In regards to the account-wide transmog changes, does that also apply to hidden quest rewards? For example, if I complete a quest on my death knight that rewards plate shoulders, would I also get the appearance of the cloth chest that would have been awarded to my mage from the same quest?
What is left of Dragonflight? We’ve seen confirmation of 10.3 and more story to tell, but outside of lore will there be another fated season? The gap between 10.2 and War Within potential release seems quite long considering DF patch cadence so far.
Any chance of a relaunch of a 2019 style Classic with fresh progressions through Phase 1 to 6?
Can you please make an effort to restore the old Clone Service for those of us who took breaks after Classic and came back to find our Naxx geared characters stuck on Wrath servers.
Will we be able to change the pose or idle animation for our characters on the warband screen, and/or move them around the camp a little bit? Or is it gonna be static, at least for now?
Speaking of customizable poses… any chance we can have the option to do that on the armoury like we used to be able to do in OG Wrath? I miss that armoury…
Now that we are getting cross realm guilds, are you guys planning on working on the guild ui? It hasn’t been the best since you switch to the current one(old one was better). Also any guild features coming in these expansions? Plz fix /who in game, it doesn’t work.