Majority of comments in that thread are from 120’s.
Guess there’s nothing to do in retail today.
so you worked for Blizz… makes sense then.
im not asking or demanding anything, im saying its very weird to do a stress test with a much smaller sample size than you could have. as a Q&A Lead, you should know this too.
and i never played or even looked up a private server, and i had been subbed till March, when i finally gave up on Blizz fixing the trash that is BFA. I even got a Dreadwake. but im not going to pay a sub so i can stress test something for 2 days. That is more like mooching off players, than players trying to mooch of Blizz…
Hey!! I am 120
100% in agreement. I gently brought up the mob spawn thing in my own feedback, trying not to sound like I was disgruntled on my own part. Because it was a serious problem. I thought the number of players around me on realm 15 was fine, and people were grouping up to get the quests done, as they should. But the respawn rate on the mobs was brutal. And as much of a person who advocates for as much authenticity as possible, I’m starting to think that this is one thing that Blizzard might take a serious look at before launch.
yet you felt compelled to post…
Yeah, but if you ask them how they feel about the Pitcher who lost them the world series you’ll get a very different response.
Which is more on par with the stress test, since it’s not letting them test much of the actually gameplay. They’ll see the effects of layering more than anything else. They aren’t asking stress testers if they think leveling feels too fast or slow or anything.
Morehwine…all they need to do is dial it up a tad…no insta respawn mind you but reasonable respawn given the number of players in the area.
It really worked out well “somewhere else”.
Yeah, I know, but that’s a whole other can of worms. I’ll drop this now. It’s really beyond the scope of the stress test itself.
I wouldn’t say compelled. I saw something, got a chuckle, and made a comment. That’s how I forum.
Stress means to stress the system…push it to the limits.
Maybe they have tons of layers each with different caps.
Maybe that is the stress they are testing.
And then asking for feedback on the layer caps…too much, too little for a launch day population.
No, I did not work for Blizzard. I worked for a medium size retail company with locations all throughout the country. Before doing IT QA for them I was a QA consultant with a software development firm out of the midwest.
The smaller sample size is the thing we don’t see. We can only guesstimate per number of servers and we know they are testing layering. For all, we know each of these servers could have well over 8000 players each but split into layers. But we don’t know and it’s an opaque game system.
The power of lulz compels you
lol I’ll give you that one.
BTW I <3 My Classic Community!!!
Well, sure.
Doesn’t mean they’re not wrong though.
Forums are a place to have discussions. It’s not only for posts that are on the side of popular opinion or that will be universally agreed with. If it’s not an intentional troll post then who cares. If you don’t find the topic valid, just move on to another post. Making a response that basically says “this isn’t worth anyone’s time” is a bit silly when you obviously view it as being worth your time or you would have been off to a new thread instead of typing that.
another feedback post:
“logged in, saw 20 people, good size population…”
But if I hadn’t posted that, you’d have had nothing to respond to.
Haha that is true.
OP has a solid point. These people complaining about having to group, or the fact they can’t steamroll through quests solo aren’t actual Classic fans. And I hope Blizzard doesn’t listen to them.