Sub only stress test = biased feedback

Exactly, completely agree.

I am so right there with you Summer!!

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Emphasis on the DR I see.


then how would they STRESS the servers for a STRESS test if they didnt have to bring in anyone at all? that is EXACTLY what a STRESS TEST is! its bringing in the most people possible to really put a strain on the servers…

i been doing beta testing and stress tests for games since the late 90’s, and for a stress test, this is the first time ever that a sub was required for it. this isnt entitlement or FOMO, this is just plain weird for a stress test and makes no sense at all.


Actually, Blizz has gone out of their way to contact old Vanilla players and send them private invites to the beta. However, they are checking their data logs first to make sure that only skilled players got invites.

That’s why you are not in the beta.

Imagine that retail players unable to handle a little inconvenience.

Go figure.

Yet more retailers that see all those other players in an MMO as nothing but obstacles in their way.

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It makes sense to them. Go figure. And thank you for testing.

And I understand testing. :slight_smile:

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from some of the things you said here, i dont think thats true… but i dont know you, so thats all i got to go on.


Such a bitter bitter bull. Do you need a hug Fesz? hugs

BTW, Classic can probably now be called or soon. . retail. :stuck_out_tongue:

I did also say “not quite that”, because i do see that there are also people out there who are currently subbed, but are actually just mostly waiting for Classic!
What i’m saying is that it’s safe to assume that the majority (not all!) of the players who are subbed right now are mostly invested in BFA, because they’re still subscribed to the game even in a content drought like it has right now.

Also, i’m not a private server player (generalizations btw! :stuck_out_tongue: ), which is why i’m even more hoping for the game to not change into something it’s not, cause i really don’t wanna have to play on those private servers.
I wanna support Blizzard, especially when they decide on doing awesome stuff like rereleasing vanilla in Classic.


He says this like everyone with an active sub is on the side of layering and people without one all disapprove of it.

Go to the general forums and do a search for phasing if you think people on live are just mindless sheep and will sing praises of anything the blizz team does even when it’s a feature they dislike when they experience it first hand.

If it’s a bad feature they’ll hate on it more than you ever will because they won’t want it done in the future. Someone ONLY playing classic will only have to deal with it once. Someone on live will have to deal with it every time an xpac hits.

Someone’s sub status simply doesn’t dictate their opinion. Heck, I have no sub, don’t like modern WoW, and I’m for 2 weeks of layering if they work out the kinks and if it makes for a smoother first 2 weeks.

Well, I just retired my possition as QA Lead in software development last June. So . . I do understand testing.

Just so you know. .

I know it sucks. . But they are taking care of things as they see fit. Asking for special favors when a good portion of that same audience stopped supporting blizzard years ago and some of them stole the IP. . come on. . Lets just get to launch and all have a kick A time!!


Uh… Sick burn?

I never claimed I was any good. What’s skill got to do with server stress and population though?


I heard some servers have different layering options. If that’s true I’m surprised they don’t want everyone in, even bot accounts.

Not sure how else they could have let certain accounts in and rejected new ones that might be bots. Maybe they could allow in only any account that had at least 12 months of sub time?

That seems like a decent base for a multi day test. Not everyone will all log in at once and stress the noob zones if it’s just current subs I bet. At least not on every server.

I could be wrong.

But this is a different phenomena of very small scope.

A bunch of folks sitting around in a chat room /dancing and giddy to be…in a chat room /dancing, since they’re certainly not mechanically playing the game (killing mobs, completing quests, gaining XP).

Sitting around and waiting 15m to kill a mob, that’s not a good experience. For anybody. Even the giddy /dancers chatting up General. It’s novel, it’s amusing - for a little bit. But not interesting.

When MoP launched, it was exactly like that. Zillions of toons, helicopters scattered across the sky like a roller coaster, and all gummed up on top of each other because of a unforeseen bottle neck quest killing mobs on a boat.

It was fun. It was neat being there. It was cool seeing the game struggle and fail is weird ways. But, 20m of not-bombing the ship, and I logged. That ship will be their tomorrow.

I know, I know, players of Classic are supposed to be zen masters of patience to endure the slog of Classic. Perhaps. But this was not that, this was simply non-functional. Overloaded. And I wasn’t getting past this anytime soon. I’m smarter than that, I had my fun. (I love imploding launch days - with all the sharing and instancing and what not, modern WoW doesn’t implode as much on launch day any more. Too bad.)

The day after launch day, the excuses are done. It’s no longer novel, or interesting, or cool. The event has passed. The game was launched. In MoP, the next day, it was as if nothing happened. The game played like it would for the rest of the expansion.

Historically, as much as we call out these experiences, for their novelty, most folks don’t like them. Most folks actually want the line to move, want to get their stuff done and move on. Pretty much everybody in the game, yes, even the slow burn Classicists, want to get their stuff done efficiently. Some may stop and smell the roses more than others, but I’ve never seen ANYONE RP walk from quest zone to quest giver and back. Not take a taxi when it was available to them. Not mount up when they could. Not fly when they could. Folks may talk the talk, but I’ve never seen them RP Walk the walk. Not in the wild.

So, yea, whole some may be /dancing in a saturated opening zone with no mobs, and no quest progress. Most won’t. The only reason folks would stay through that is if they felt they’d end up getting stuck in a 2000+ person queue if they logged. They’d rather selfishly remain in the game doing nothing, contributing to the problem, than leave and come back later.

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I mean, yeah sure. BfA players are not all mindless sheeple that love everything BfA. Just like everyone that goes to MLB games doesn’t thing baseball is the best sport, but if you ask only everyone at a random Yankees game what sports they like, you’re probably gonna get a false impression about how popular baseball is.

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The feedback they want is in regards to population and layering not gameplay, dont be so thickheaded.


So Ogimirak…only those with “aotc” got private invites ???
Did Blizz also check their raiderio scores ?



“You’re going to get too many people who, in my opinion, will disagree with me.”

Just another one of these threads. Nothing to see here.


The feedback I’m referring to is in regards to population and layering, not gameplay. Don’t be so thickheaded.

I don’t want blizzard making a new layer for every dozen people because a bunch of bored BfA players tried out this free stress test thing and decided they didn’t like grouping and/or competing for mobs in the starter area. And before you try to use it against me, that dozen people thing is called hyperbole. It’s an exaggerated example or hypothetical premise used to emphasize a point.

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