Sub only stress test = biased feedback

That is cynical, and I hope not. I think its just logistics and how they chose is all.

Sound like a good test indeed… Last time i’ve participated in one server crashed i don’t know how many time until they got it right. But at least they we’re working on it.

Imagine… thousands of players… burned to crisp by ragnaros… lovely! (Thousands dying at the sametime in the same area… that’s sure some insanely good stress test! lmao)


Tha “server that shall not be named” crashed 2-3 times on launch day and by mid afternoon my time pop was up to 12K and it had gotten stable.

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To be clear, I and I think some others here are not sad that we don’t get to heroic strike boars and wolves in laggy starter zones for a few hours.

I am concerned because I am waiting, cash in hand, to put money toward this game and rather than see how I like it, they are testing it out on people who already enjoy a different product of theirs


I would just like to point out that Blizzard made this forum so that people could post here without a sub for a reason. I agree with the OP by the way even though I am subbed.


That’s so true Summerayné, why allowing non-sub to even participe on this forum if we can’t do anything ? lol


In reading over the feedback thread it seems that many of those posters are not used to player competition at all.

How can you say 12 other players is overcrowded ?


I understand Proxy and just know there are lots of players who have the same goals and passion as you do. Even if they are still subbed. I am one of them.

It’s not going to be a f it testing. Some will… shoot, some that come from the other community and managed to get into beta are not reporting bugs, and quite frankly all of them making everyone who is not in feel bad for not being able to play is getting old.

I hope this is the best thing ever. ALl I have to go off of is the little feedback I get from forums and videos. So far it is looking ok. So I have to have a little faith.

They aren’t meaningless when you look at how layering works. Hit a target number of players, pop them on a new layer. These questions are clearly aimed at finding out what BfA subs think the target number should be before creating a new layer.


customers pay for a product when it’s fully finished, there are useful opinions out there that aren’t going to pay for a 2 day beta version of the product to give their opinion


People are crying over not getting into a STRESS TEST rofl. People are such entitled babies.



And you can give your feedback. Thats what the forums are for.

Completely agree. This is the feedback Blizzard is looking at and asking for. I have been reading the feedback thread some and it’s concerning if Blizzard listens to retail players who don’t have a clue what Vanilla was about and can’t tolerate the slightest bit of competition for a mob.

How dare people group up to quest in a starter zone, right? :roll_eyes: I mean, that’s what we did back then. There’s a difference between something being legitimately overpopulated and people not being able to deal with 12-20 people or so and have to dare group up or spend some time to complete a quest.



Faith! We already know the dev’s working on classic have more sense then that. And trust me… we will call those posts out too!!! :smiley:

And I’m one of them. I could’ve paid to do it, but i’m going to save that part for when the game is actually out (and is the game i want to pay for & support).

I think it’s safe to say that the current feedback that they get from this subscriber stress test is not quite that of the audience that Classic is supposed to appeal to in the first place, simply cause it requires an active sub atm.
The important opinion of the currently unsubbed core audience is going to be missed out on here, while a big amount of current retail subscribers is going to be heard instead.

Don’t get me wrong, they should also hear what they have to say, because Blizzard also should know what that new audience thinks to get a vague idea of how the “tourist” population will react to the game when Classic comes out.

But i sure as hell hope that the game and it’s release won’t be centered around the audience that still is critical about this very different version of WoW, when they already have a very big and dedicated fanbase wanting the game as it is, and is just waiting to get their hands on their fav version of WoW after all these years.


If I logged in on launch day…launch day and saw only 12 other people I’d think the game is DOA.

If I logged in on launch day and saw 250 other players in my area I’d be jumping and hopping around…not worried about completing my quest on time. And I know the others would be doing the same…hopping and jumping and talking about how great is to be playing classic again.


I’m trying to have faith Bricklethumb! I’m really trying. :sob:

Lol. Seriously though, I am really trying.

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kick starter is basically a donation/investment for their game because it’s needed in order for it to be finished, blizzard can’t expect people to donate for their game to give their feedback when they’re already multi-million dollar company, not the small indie companies that actually need the money on kickstarter, there are people who could have a valuable opinion on the game but simply haven’t bought it yet since it’s not released


This is not a safe assumption. THis is the dangerous ground that some pserver people assume. There are LOTS of current subbers who are just as passionate about classic as you, some even more. Broad generalizations are that…


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