Sub numbers

Over the 3 blizzard is doing the worse by a large margin.

12" Pro is the way to go. Double meat.

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As a business, you do not want to show the bad part at all. I run a corner store and let’s say money is missing either mistake or not, you do not want to tell your customers at all as to what happened. Posting low sub numbers is just gonna make things worse.

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…because they don’t know the sub numbers?

I’d expect CoD and Candy Crush to do way better than an ancient MMO, a card game, a niche MOBA, a old PvP FPS game, and D3. My guess is CoD and Candy Crush are probably out performing the other big MMO by a wide margin too.

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Safe guess.

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They do the financials are 3 or 2 times better…

Kings is insane on revenue…

Hence the 2 new titles from blizzard are Mobil.

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Well wouldn’t the farmers want to be in the most popular game?

Except they tweaked the server capacity numbers, lol.

“Full” in Wrath is not “Full” in BFA. They changed it recently. Clearly, it worked.

Cite your source please.

subs only matter to players. Profits matter to everyone the quarterly reports are for.

“Even a Full realm would be Low by our current metrics.”

Straight from the blue horse’s mouth. If you were playing in Legion/BFA, you saw the weird population jump/change in all servers as well as low populations magically became Medium and so on.

I don’t have a source, but there have been multiple times where the population status screen changed massively literally overnight. That doesn’t happen if they’re not messing with the thresholds.

Edit: Ah good, someone found a source. Not… a perfect one, but at least they’re talking about it.

I must be missing something because there was NOTHING in that post that said blizzard was tampering with realm capacity.

Care to explain how servers suddenly jumped from Low to Full then, yet we haven’t had server queues in years on retail? Back in the day, full or even high meant queues.

Well Legion was seen a very popular X pack and BFA was riding off of its cotails. So naturally a lot people would have subbed during that time.

So servers slowly and naturally became lower, and during an off patch, literally every server had its population adjusted and jumped by 1-2 tiers least once yet there wasn’t a queue in sight?

I saw this happen with my own eyes at least once. Actually scoured the internet looking for an answer, because jumps like that just don’t make sense outside of expansion launches.

Well so far you are the only one who said they saw this. I am just asking you to back up your claims.

Did you not see the Worgen post?

Also this may just be Classic, but I doubt it: New Realm Population Label System

Retail evidence: BFA Realm Pop? Emerald dream "full" but dead? - #2 by Cladis-bloodhoof