Stuck on unwanted artifact questline help?

Hello, I am trying to start the questline to get the Feral artifact weapon on my Druid, but instead, I have gotten stuck doing the Restoration questline…
I am wondering if there is a way to swap the one I am on, for a different one?? For the record, I have already completed the first 2 quests towards the Resto artifact, is it too late now?? I am pretty sure just abandoning the quest will not restart everything, and I am hoping for some guidance.
Thanks in advance!!

No, I’m afraid not, Shearor. Once you start the questline you must complete it before another one will be available.

Meh, I was hoping that was not the case…
So, now I have to get an artifact that I do not want nor need, and wait until I hit level 110 to get the one I want??
That is sad, but thanks for the information!!
PS. can you tell me why the Feral artifact quests would not show up in my class hall?? It is because of this that I was forced to find anybody who was offering a quest, and got stuck o the Resto artifact questline…
Is this just another WOW bug of some sort??

Actually, you don’t need to wait until 110, you can do the rest of the artifact quests once you are level 102 provided you finished doing your surrent artifact quest.

You should have gotten an option of which artifact you could have started first, it sounds like you chose the restoration one by accident.


No. You can obtain the first Artifact Weapon at level 100, the rest can be selected and obtained once you hit 102. (Edited to correct level requirement)

It would have, if you selected to pursue that questline. You would have been given a quest to select which Artifact Weapon you wanted to go for next. There are no reported bugs with those quest lines, so you would have been the one to select the Restoration Artifact Weapon as your next goal. Once you make that selection you are locked in until you complete the questline.

I don’t know if you selected it by mistake or not. I can’t really tell when you started the questline, only that you picked up the third quest in the line nearly 3 weeks ago.

Actually, once you reach level 102, you can obtain the remaining artifact weapons for all specs in your class.

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You are correct. I was misremembering.

If you want to look at a potential upside, you will earn a title for completing the Restoration artifact. :slight_smile:


I did finish the Resto artifact quests, and they did open the questline for Feral, but I am having a confusing issue that at some point in the questline, Blizzard decided, for whatever reason, to disable my coordinates addon (TomTom), and now I am left without coords to continue??
Is there some other addon for coordinates I can use that will not be disabled, and that will put coordinates on the minimap for me??
Thanks in advance!!

blizzard doesn’t just cancel people’s addons. if it isn’t working i would try removing it and installing an updated copy.


Blizzard doesn’t disable addons like that. That’s not how it works. It sounds like the addon may simply be misbehaving.

Personally, I don’t even use one and had no problem navigating the druid artifact quest lines. If you’re having that much trouble, try searching on a site like


They did not cancel the addon, I still have TomTom, it was just disabled at some point before I entered the annoyingly confusing dungeon area to continue the quest, and I sort of need coords to finish now, but they chose to give me an message asking me to disable the addon at some point, which I did stupidly. It works any other time perfectly, they just required it to be disabled to continue this particular questline, for some reason, and I am looking for a coordinates addon that will not be randomly disabled by Blizzard that also includes coordinates on the map following the cursor. This is because I know the coordinates of where I need to go, but I cannot look for them now!!

Yes. This happens when the addon is out-of-date. Update it and you’ll no longer get that message.

If they require an addon be disabled, they’ll simply break it. And then everyone will have to get rid of it. Not just you.

That would be all of the available GPS addons.

I did check,. and that is where I found the coordinates that I need, but they DID disable the addon in order to start some part of the questline, and now I am stuck without it, in a dungeon that is confusing to circumnavigate!!
If you cannot believe my question, then tell me this, is there a way that I can go back and re-enable TomTom, and still continue, or is that just not a possibility now??

Not sure why you need them. You haven’t really explained what you need them for or where you’re lost at. The quests really don’t require them.

But again, you can still use the addon, just make sure it’s up to date. Blizz isn’t forcing you to do anything. The addon works just fine.

Again, Blizzard is NOT disabling your addon.

The game can be played and those quests can be completed 100% without addons.

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FINE, you won’t answer me, I guess I will have to put in a Ticket over this, and they ARE necessary, because of the unnecessarily complex way that they designed these dungeons!!

Blizzard has ZERO access to your addons. They can’t disable them on you. Whatever is happening, is not because of Blizzard. The only way for it to be disabled is if it’s out of date (due to the addon author, or you not updating it) or if you choose to disable it.

The only time Blizz kills an addon is if it violates their rules basically. And TomTom doesn’t do anything Blizz doesn’t let them do. It’s a great addon.


at the character select screen there should be an “addons” button in the bottom left. you can re-enable tom-tom there.

however the only reason addons get disabled with a popup like that (the popup gives you the OPTION to disable it, by the way) is if they are throwing errors. so you’d really be better off removing it and installing an updated copy.


Sorry you’re having difficulties navigating the artifact scenario, never a fun feeling.

Is it possible to search YouTube to see if you can follow someone else’s steps and clear the scenario?


I personally don’t, because that is simply not how it happens. It would help your case if you had actual proof, though. Suggestion messages pop up when you have an addon interfering with the game’s current design, and those messages will go away when the addon is up-to-date with the current server build. But it is entirely on the authors of those addons to make sure they’re compatible, not on Blizzard to code their game around them.

If you want to point fingers, point them at the addon’s authors, not Blizzard. There is an addons button both on the character selection screen AS WELL AS in-game via tapping the ESC button on your keyboard.

Checking and unchecking them determines their availability.

Putting in a ticket is wasting your time. You’re asking for a game hint and giving those is against GM policy. You will get nowhere.