Stuck in combat in Mechagon, FOR...EV...ER

I fell you OP! I’ve even hearthed to harbor and flew back to Mech…soon as I landed my mouse/pointer/finger passed over a mob and right back into combat I went.

Several times it’s happened from what I assume is AOE splash. It’s horrible

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Sounds like you need to work on pathing then. If you keep running past mobs you’re going to stay in combat. I’ve never had trouble dropping combat.

Blizzard should just make flight whistles usable when aggro’d but be interrupted by any damaged absorbed or taken.

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I don’t believe those 18 mobs were pulled deliberately. The follower AI in Nazjatar is a pretty faithful recreation of the average Huntard, circa 2005. And with the same results, typically.

Just found out that this won’t let you reply twice in a row. It’s, apparently, an anti-spam measure…but all it’s doing is killing the conversational flow and making it impossible to address anyone unless someone ELSE says something in the conversation. Joy…

Maybe log out and log back in?

Uh…I detailed how I swam along the southern coast on one of my tries to fix the issue. There are no mobs of consequence, if any, between the water off the coast of the islands Seaspit spawns on and the spawn point of Scrapclaw. Still, I remained in combat.

Then i don’t know what to tell you. I’ve never had an issue.

You mean “force quit the application and wait for the server to drop me so I could log back in”. You can’t log out in combat.

The only way I could get out of a “stuck in combat” was to go AFK and wait for Blizzard to disconnect my connection.

This happened to me doing the incursion in tiragarde yesterday. DH just would not drop combat even after moving well away from what ever imaginary mob was keeping me in combat. Ended up hearthing to boralas and was still in combat! Took the portal to stormwind and back again and that fixed it.

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There’s some bug internal flag that’s bugged. I’ve found on a couple occasions that I could not use the flight master. I wasn’t in combat, but trying to select a flight point would result in a message along the lines of “You are currently busy and cannot use the taxi service.” This has happened both in Nazjatar as well as Kul Tiras prior to 8.2. Invis did nothing to help, nor did waiting 5 minutes. In the end, I could only log out and back which served to reset whatever was bugged.

You can Alt+F4, Ctrl+Alt+Delete, or any of the other things that work and force-quit the game. A few minutes should be plenty time for Blizzard to log you out on there end once your connection goes dead. Probably take less time than waiting for AFK to axe you. Also, Hearthing and Zoning worked for me, most of the time. It just made the game grind to a halt, again, and again…and again…and again…

My favorite is when I’m just standing there, with nothing hostile within render distance, and I just enter combat randomly.

I stopped trying to figure it out a very very long time ago. It’s just one more thing about the game that is inexplicably broken.

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I had this before, sometimes it could be because of the follower in nazjatar, its a weird bug where you are not in combat but because your follower is in combat, you can’t use the FP. It’s a really annoying at times =/…

Have you ever played havoc? As havoc, pulling 18 things at once isn’t a ‘tank’ thing, it’s just an everyday thing. Three elites and 6 normal mobs? No problem. Solo a rare? No problem. The only things that make me blink or hesitate are the new 122 rares, but even then, if I’m in trouble, I just pull more.

We’ve been following threads like these very closely. Please feel free to detail any new occurrences of this issue in this Bug Report thread.

Thank you!


I had to hearth back to the inn just to get out of combat from one side to the other. One of many reasons I quit this Korean dev team game.

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OP - can’t drop combat despite doing everything possible to try, clearly something Blizz should have fixed years ago and won’t fix for years to come.

Others in this thread - proving why Blizz will never fix it, by getting on the OP’s case and fanboyishly defending Blizz’s broken content.

This is why this game sucks right now- players aren’t just accepting Blizz’s broken content and overall laziness, you’re downright celebrating it.


This has happened to me multiple times as well and i ended up having to hearth each time.

Once it happened from attacking the first mob off the alliance flight path. Could never leave combat.

Only on Mechagon.


Yeah, I got stuck in combat for a really long time on Mechagon as well… I had no idea what I was in combat with and I think I had to finally hearth to drop combat.