The actual fix is to go to the small red rock in the barrens at cords 123.22, 66.2. Once you arrive there you will have to click the rock… It will uncover the missing renown…Trust me I am part of the community.
same issue with me on an alt. i think there is something wrong with the code where if you do the weekly quests for renown before doing the catchup mechanic stuff, you are permastuck.
feels bad and its probably extremely hard to fix this
Stuck at renown 19. Same here bliz. Your replies are not helping your game is bugged. I was able to get to 21 on an alt no problem but Night Fae is stuck at 19.
My warrior alt is stuck at renown 19 as well.
Yuvie posted a ticket response above. This is, unfortunately, working as intended.
same problem fix it NOW
+1 Stuck at 19
If you turn in weekly renown quests(Anima and souls) before you’ve caught up to the previous weeks renown level you will be stuck trying to catchup. The catchup mechanic will stop awarding renown once you reach the previous weeks renown cap. So if you weren’t renown 18 when you turned in your souls or Anima reservoir quests then you will be unable to get to renown 20 to continue the campaign. Since,hitting renown 18 will cause all catchup mechanics to stop.
I unfortunately made this mistake hopefully they add a fix
Im stuck at 19 as well.
Done tonnes of “End game content” -
Raid; LFR, Normal, HC.
Dungeons: LFG 15/16 runs, M+ 5/6 runs.
Torghast: Twisting corridor up to layer 4, completed layer 8 on others
Arena weekly quest
All callings daily
This is garbage.
They claimed we would not feel pain from switching covenant unless joining an old one — clearly, that wasn’t true.
RNG factor of Renown token needs to go away, give guaranteed each dungeon/raid boss/arena/torghast max level.
Stuck at Necro 19 for 4 days too (switched cov) and I think it’s pretty fricken sad. We shouldn’t have to jimmy-rig how we play so we don’t get capped by not doing dailies.
I’ve played this game for over 13 years and this is just the kind of stuff that’s making me lose interest. I used to love the game, not so much anymore. It’s really just a matter of time when I say enough is enough.
If I handled my business like this, I wouldn’t have one. sigh
Still stuck at renown 19.
Calling - yet again - gave Nothing.
(Also did more Torghast (Layer 6 cleared atm of Twisting corridor) and I did some M+ today)
Zero tokens continues to be my fate.
It’s disheartening to be behind while having been told SWITCHING would not be painful…
Either balance the covenants, or make this painless…
I am stuck at Renown 7 - switched Friday night. Todays Calling did not reward a Renown level. I ran about 8 dungeons yesterday and not a single Renown level.
This character is stuck at level 16 and I’m not getting renoun rewards for the daily callings on this alt. I’m getting them on my other alts but not this one.
Nope, I think it’s bugging once you hit 19.
I got to renown 18 and had completed the 2 weeklies prior to that (somewhere around 15 or 16 I think). When I picked up the calling on Friday morning, it showed renown as the reward- which is only ever a catch up mechanic. I got to 19 but have not gotten any renown since.
Here’s some screenshots to show:
^ THIS. I don’t think it factors in the campaign/weeklies, or in otherwords a total of renown available, It just cuts off Catch up renown at a certain number, expecting you’ll do the “currently available” content like weeklies and campaign. Do the two weeklies after you’re at next cap and should fix. Happened last week on my druid and was able to fix it this week, just completed weeklies/campaign chapter after getting to the prior weeks cap from catch up.
I don’t think it should be happening though. This article says that you can get renown through the catch up mechanics until the renown cap.
Update - I ran a M+9 and an Emblem of Renown dropped. So it took about 13 dungeons to get one.
Same stuck on Renown 19. Ran over 100 rated arenas and many random bg’s and random Dungeons and haven’t gotten any catchup renown. I’ve also completed my campaign as much as I can until renown 20, weeklies and callings. It cant be working as intended.
I am stuck at Renown 19. I have been at 19 since maybe 3-4 days. Today was my last calling for this week and it was shown to award the usual Tribute of the Ascended + 1 Emblem of Renown.
Completed my calling and somehow it didn’t give me my Emblem of Renown. So I am stuck at 19 for some weird reason.
I have to state that I changed Covenant from Night Fae to Kyrian. I have been catching up the system until this week where I was hoping that I will be capped as the rest at Renown 21. This is clearly a bug since every 2 days I was able to get my renown up with my callings.
Plus my Emblem of Renown was showing in the Quest Reward but didn’t deliver upon completion