Stuck at renown 19 after switching covenants

I was at renown 18 when I switched from Venthyr to Necrolords prior to this weeks maintenance and after switching, I managed to get to renown 13 or 14 before maintenance. Yesterday after maintenance I did weekly quests (souls from maw + 1000 anima) which got me 2 renown and I got to renown 19 from catch-up renown from dungeons, callings, etc. Now I’m at 19 and I’m stuck - nothing is giving me renown and I cannot continue with the campaign until I reach renown 20. Has anyone else had this same issue?

Edit: I spoke to a GM and was basically told that seeing as I had completed this week’s weekly quests which got me to renown 19, I was essentially not behind and therefore the game wouldn’t offer me any further catch up renown until next week. I’d come to the conclusion that next week I wouldn’t do the weekly quests until I had caught up to renown 21 from catch up renown only. However… I picked up today’s calling and the reward showed as a cache only but to my surprise while I was flying to Revendreth, I looked again and noticed it was now showing a cache AND 1 renown. I saw with my own eyes this reward drop off and reappear multiple times while flying but I did the quests, made sure it was showing as a reward when I turned it in and lo and behold, I am now at renown 20!


Blizzard wants to pad out your sub so they’ve given the drop chance of renown in their catch-up mechanic to be incredibly low. My alt is at renown 9 and my main is at renown 19 like you and I’ve been spamming bg’ for hours and I’m lucky to get a single drop of renown. I did 40 rated arena matches and got 1 renown. It’s complete trash and Blizzard knows it because they haven’t been transparent with their catchup mechanism.


I was getting catch-up renown consistently just from doing dungeons until I reached renown 19 yesterday after reset. I’ve since done at least 10 mythics, PVP, my calling and nothing has come from it! :worried:

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I’m in the same boat on my alt. Stuck at 19 and nothing is giving me the last one.

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Same, I posted this as well this morning.

same problem here

I am also having the same issue. Stuck at 19 an the game is not offering me tokens to start the next step of the campaign.

Likewise, I’m stuck on renown 19. I swapped from Kyrian to Necrolords last weekend. I did callings, M+, and 9/10 Castle Nathria H and still nothing. Very frustrating

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So, this is what I think is going on. I am currently stuck at 19 as well. I think blizzard’s spaghetti code stops catchup mechanics at the previous week’s cap. So catchup mechanics stop working this week at 18. If you did your weeklies prior to being 18 you are pushing yourself past the catchup threshold and turning it off. So because I am 19, blizzard thinks I no longer need catchup, but because ive done my weeklies prior to that point I can’t get to 20 for the campaign quest, and then 21 from the campaign quest. By the looks of it this problem has been in the game for a long time (month at least) and blizzard doesn’t understand why their own system is broken. So what should you do? Try not doing your weeklies next week until you have caught up to 21 renown through the catch-up mechanics. I’ve opened a ticket, and hope to get a response but I don’t expect to be able to anything about it until next week.


I believe you are correct. I had a token available with my emissary mission this Tuesday. Went into the Maw first thing and collected the 10 souls for the weekly quest. Turned in that quest… The token was no longer a reward on the emissary quest once I turned in the 10 souls.

I was also stuck at 16 last week. I just did no know what was going on… RIP until next week.


Sounds like you’re onto something, Yuvie. Looks like we’re out of luck until Tuesday or a bug fix

same. stuck at renown 19 after switching cov’s last week. and I DO REMEMBER seeing one of my callings having a renown reward, then dissapearing after I completed either maw soul weekly or 1k anima weekly.


Same here. Stuck at 19 on my alt.

Same I’m slowly getting burnt out trying to get this from their so called “catch up mechanics”


Adding the list. Getting pretty tired of this garbage expac. Doubt I will renew my sub just to play a game of smoke and mirrors, bugs and hurry up and wait so we can milk you for more sub money.


Same. Stuck at 19 since completing my weeklies on my alt. No drops for the renown items since then.

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Same issue for me. My warrior alt has been stuck one renown away from the campaign for the last 2 weeks. I have done a bunch of pvp (almost capped on conquest) and have done all the callings and spamming dungeons. Now I am stuck at renown 19. Prior to this I was getting catchup renown all over the place.

I think you could be on to something. Hopefully it’s a bug they can sort out! I’ve also put a ticket in but not expecting any miracles.

I am on my main. Started in week 7 and haven’t been able to get max rank at all. Currently stuck at 19 and like others have tried everything to catch up.

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Also stuck at 19 after having switched characters :frowning: