Streaming world of warcraft twitch issue with reporting

Thanks for derailing your own thread. Pair of clowns. I’m out, peace :v:

You’re not being reported for enjoying streaming, you’re being reported for advertising.

And they’re using the option to “report advertisement” in the group finder.

So stop advertising your stream in game and you won’t have any issues and you can stream to your heart’s content


I have a feeling there’s a grand total of 12 follows in this entire thread.


I’m just watching to see what I can find out. I don’t stream, but I know people that do. They put info in their description for raids that let people know what item level they are and that they are a streamer. They don’t put the stream name or anything else in there. If it isn’t allowed I want to let them know before they end up in trouble.

Two really important things here:

  1. I care what Blizzard says is or isn’t allowed. From what I have looked up, having read the actual advertisement policies that they have listed, nothing about this indicates that it is against their policy.

Your intrepretation of Blizzard’s rules is entirely meaningless. But so are mine as well, heck even Mirasol’s are and again, they are a MVP. It is just Blizzard that has a say in this, so this idea of “how is it not obvious to me” is because I read their actual rules and policies.

Nothing about this is specified and falls into those categories. The closest thing you have is that folks aren’t allowed to advertise these things in the trade channel, there’s a lil’bit of leeway in the services channel for it but not much. But the LFG tool is only barely mentioned in these things, and from everything we have seen Blizzard has no issues with it.

As long as it doesn’t become as egregious as to constitute spam, but that’s not the same thing as advertisement as this doesn’t seem to fall under that category. Regardless of whether you think it should or shouldn’t.

  1. They are building a community from the people in-game. That’s quite literally what they are doing. Per definition that’s the thing you are complaining about that they are doing.

Twitch streamers are part of the WoW community, regardless of whether you like them or not. And engaging with players by making groups to run M+ with is quite literally building a community of people in-game. Sure, said streamer is also streaming it but the community building is still taking place in-game.

That’s kinda the point as to why it is likely allowed as long as you don’t list the username in the Group Finder directly but rather in the description. Since in the group finder you’d just see a name to an external website, whereas in the description you would have the additional context of both the group and said streamer/description/etc.

But the community building is quite literally, per definition and what you are complaining about, is taking place in-game rather than outside of the game.

This is why I’m telling you that it is very likely to not only be allowed, but both encouraged and wanted of Blizzard to have streamers do this. Since they get people to build a larger-than-the-game community but still engage with the game, increasing the likelihood that everyone stays subscribed and depending on the community it might even make folks less toxic.

It is a very grey area though and that’s why I’m saying that this isn’t really a “debatable” topic, as much as it is “it is probably allowed and if it isn’t we would need a blue post to confirm whether it is or isn’t.”

I’m largely convinced that people who are upset about streamers are so just because it is a popular thing to be upset about on social media. There’s so many good streamers and it is just a wholesome community and feeling when you find your own group of people.

Of course there’s toxic and rowdy streamers as well, but even they have their own charm and community. Just… not ones I’d ever want to be part of, but I don’t have to be. So as long as they don’t do anything that’s outright bad for others, I don’t get why they would get to represent what streamers are like.

I mean… one of the largest streamers in the world right now are folks like Thor and Ironmouse. Both are just wonderful people, very different people, but wonderful in their own ways. I just don’t get folks who say “I hate streamers” and then storms off like that.
It’d almost be like saying “I don’t like Pizzas because I don’t like Italian pizzas” at which point… why not try non-Italian ones and if one still doesn’t like it, then sure. One doesn’t have to like Pizzas. One can simply just … accept that pizzas exist.


Streaming is not a job. Please don’t advertise your narcissistic hobby in my video game.


It would seem you’re trying to look for a literal, in capital letter sentence that would state that streamers aren’t allowed to advertise “part” of the link to their channels through the tool.

I’m not Mirasol, but I’m pretty sure that advertising your channel in whatever way possible, falls into the same category as this website that spams their scam 24/7.

What is more, why on earth is there a report button if it wasn’t the case?

They can build a community and spam their channel in the chat of said community. There is no need to infest the dungeon finder to gain followers.

Folks have said this about literally every single job that has ever existed. Although I doubt being a forum troll would ever pay as much as a dime, compared to folks who do get lucky and manage to build a community streaming - because those folks very much so can make it a job.

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Trade Services channel was put in place for just this type of thing. Moving people out of the group finder and giving them a place to advertise their service to the community. Yes, on some servers, that means you’re fighting a scrolling wall of Mythic+ and Raid carry groups to be seen, but it’s what is available to you in the game w/i the ToS and how they are being interpreted.

No, I was looking for genuinely anything that even could as much as imply this. And nothing came up.

There just ain’t anything there.

Streaming isn’t a scam. I’m sorry but it ain’t. No matter how much you dislike it.

To report things that is against the ToS which… this doesn’t even remotely to seem like it is? Extremely little in the ToS about advertisements is relevant to the things that you are saying.

Look, I get it, you hate streamers. Likely to the same degree of the troll that called it a narcissistic hobby. But I will simply refer to two things for you, and then I’m gonna put you on ignore because… I don’t care for toxicity:

If you don’t like it that’s fine, don’t engage with it.
But it doesn’t mean it is against the ToS unless you can find a specific paragraph that states that it is, or a blue post that can confirm it. Because there’s nothing that even as much as indicates that it is against the ToS to put a username in the LFG description and tell people to have fun as a group.

I don’t care if its against the code of conduct or not. I see advertising for outside of game I report it.


Listen, you cant use the tool to advertise anything, no matter how helpful it may seem.

It is against the ToS to advertise anything that is not a group. Period.

Why is this so difficult to understand? There is a myriad of streamers that have achieved success without using the group tool to advertise themselves.

If you want to make a community, you have the tools to do it. Your channel is something extra you may add to it but outside of free space.

I don’t think I will ever get a good answer but… please, tell me. Why do you think “I find you obnoxious, please get banned” is a good basis as to why someone should be banned…?

it is a group being made, and keys are being run. why are you getting to into it. because we like streaming our key mistakes for the world to see? omg I wiped the group IN A 2. better delete my account cuz I’m embarrassed

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Fine, make the group but if I see anything that resembles an invitation to an external website I’ll report it, as simple as that.

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I just want you to know, with the UTMOST respect.

I hope you start streaming

To quote a famous Greek philosopher “Why are you quoting laws at us? We carry swords” before they stabbed a tax collector.

I find you/what you are supporting annoying and intrusive. We have this weird sickness where people think its acceptable to act inappropriately or annoying because what they are technically doing isn’t against the stated rules.

We lost shame somewhere and we badly need it. With its lack we must resort to barbarism to restore a social good.


Why? I stream to my friends to chill and seek criticism. Im not seeking approval or attention.

here’s some criticism for you

mind your business

The group finder is everyone’s business. Sorry you can’t exploit it. Have fun getting banned