Streaming world of warcraft twitch issue with reporting

how do you think they put groups together? i don’t stream, but just from being in those communities i have hundreds of people on my friends list. i could jump online at any time of day or night and assemble a group.

It is clear: You CANNOT use any text or creation feature to advertise anything. Not LFG tool, not the gun powder from WoD opening, not Trade ,not Services.

Linking a WoWHead page? Good. Linking a FatBoss video? Sure. But if you are advertising your twitch? Nope. Do not pass go, do not collect 200 bucks.


No one likes it and if you’re so desperate for viewers then make a guild, a discord and promote your channels there.

PS: it’s not just me that finds obnoxious you people advertising your channels through the group finder, it’s quite a lot


Sunnild is upset leave the thread before she reports you guys

i think most people don’t care one way or the other about it. i’d rather see twitch names than “BIG D*NGER DPS ONLY OMEGA CHAD SQUAD GANG”

I do and how do you think I got that together?

in that case maybe we should all report people advertising their guild runs?
their guilds?

make the game completely unplayable simply because no one wants to join in a COMPLETELY OPTIONAL GROUP


The blue post that they linked to, where Vrak is mentioned, only talks about trade chat. Not Looking for Group.

I had a look at anything even as much as mentioning other advertisements and… nada.

Unless there’s a specific blue post that specifically addresses folks putting things like their Twitch username in the description, from what I know and can find it would seem to be allowed. Putting it in the name of the thing is definitely dubious but I can’t find anything that says anything about not putting a Twitch username in the description or anything like that.

Unless you have a specific link that can specifically mention the Looking For Group, that blue post is only about trade chat. Mirasol, whilst a MVP, only refers to that folks should be following the rules. She’s not establishing (in that post at least) what the rules are.

And I can’t find anything that bans people from putting a username in the description. I can find stuff that implies that putting it in the name may constitute as spam (again, dubious, and thus it just may constitute it)… but unless you have a reference, from everything I can find, it is allowed.


MVP right here

What does someone advertising part of a link to an external website that might mean $$$ for the person, means to you?

Listen, use the channels you already have and be done with it. The group finder is to find groups, do not be like the quality of a certain website that has bots advertising their scam 24/7.

tbh I’d rather watch someone helping the community in their own way, than listen to someone who only has their best interest in mind.

You’re being disingenuous. You only want more viewers and to become famous. You have no interest in the community, quit the bullcrap.

If you wanted to help the community you’d be making a community in-game and from there you’d be promoting your stuff. Not making a tantrum om the forums because you’re not allowed to misuse the finder tool


In this particular context?

I’d be the same thing as saying… let’s say I have a very particular username that is so unique it is part of my brand. So if anyone looks up that username they find a Twitch page or heck with the number of artists WoW has, it could end up making someone find a webpage of 18+ content.

The mere possibility that someone finds… something when looking up a username isn’t a basis for advertisement. Or any other rule regarding whatever you might find.

So, as long as it isn’t directly linking people to a website, but merely say something like “Come hang out on my Twitch” in the description, that’s fine. If it is the actual name of the listed group then that may constitute as spam per the rules of advertising and referring to another website. But the rules don’t specify where these limits extend to, ergo why I’m asking for a blue post to clarify as otherwise this is entirely allowed.

As long as it isn’t the actual listed name that is, since that may constitute as spam. As I already mentioned.

reported for inappropriate communication

There is no possiblity if they’re directly telling people to “come and watch me play while I carry/help you on your run”

It’s literal advertisement. How is this not so obvious to you.

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honey you play on moonguard stop the rp

Okay cow woman

you just misgendered him on purpose reported

Both of you are pathetic and do no favors to the streamer community lmao.

Not Shadybolt, I have respect for this person.

I cant hear you come down to the basement of goldshire

literally. you try streaming. and then get reported a whole bunch of times. simply because you enjoy doing it