Strawpoll How many times do you AFK out of a BG In a Week?

I think I posted this way early in the thread, but I only leave BGs when my work phone rings and I have to. Otherwise I go melee wings mode in lopsided matches and see how much damage I can push out before Im back in the GY.

^ Well of course there’s a correlation, people value their time and expect “something” for their time. Nothing wrong with that imo :thinking:

You don’t “get” anything of substance for sticking around to be farmed for 30-40 minutes, I don’t hold it against people for making the correct logical choice and simply leaving such lost cause matches

AFKing out of an OBVIOUS loss where you won’t really get anything at the end of it is smart, at least for players who are trying to be as efficient as possible with their play-time

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I’m just saying “if” it is. I’d guess that’s a part of it, people are bitter as hell. But what do I know?

I just highly doubt anyone queues with the intent of AFKing, so at some point they had the intent on playing for some goal/reward…that’s why “people suck” isn’t the correct thought path to travel down in this case.

People do suck though.


You don’t think being that self-centered and selfish isn’t part of “sucking”?

You’ve seen that loading screen “protip” that basically says “be cool and nice when in a group and you’ll be invited back!” - well the game’s totally undermined that even being relevant and people just act like whatever.

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Is that a product of bad people, or is it a product of the slow decay of community in WoW? Server communities and guilds used to be able to hold people accountable. When you couldn’t raid or really form groups without them, people had to get along with others to do most of the fun stuff in this game. That’s all been picked apart…

Don’t think anyone does either. theres only 2 bgs I really cant stand and afk out of or just it a base and wait it out what I usually do and that’s BFG or temple I give the group 2 chances to win the team fight and if they fail well its wait it out at a base or afk

It’s been a downward spiral, a “chicken or the egg” thing. Attitudes are contagious. Obviously the changes in the game have accelerated things, since people can just be jerks and jump to the next group. The community’s ability to “police itself” has been compromised.

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For me, it’s a matter of pride I just cannot quit or give up. I hate WG, but I don’t think I will ever AFK out. It’s kinda like rocky getting the hell beat out of him, but keeps coming back.


That’s why Cap was always my favorite Avenger in the MCU.

That said I do /afk every Seething Shore (while on the boat, so the team isn’t really hurt), because in my mind fantasy there’s some sort of metric they notice about things needing work.

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Maybe it’s time for a new Bdm poll What’s wrong with the game. Except there are so many more than 1.

My top 3:

  1. Lack of choice. Vendors were choice. Choice of gear to purchase etc. Blizz argued that almost everyone was making the same choice, optimizing the same stats etc. Something that does not matter one bit!! Having it decided for you makes it feel empty. I liked trying to look up what was best for my class spec etc. Legion killed that and I disliked Legion. It’s only gotten marginally better but not nearly enough.

  2. Class balance is just terrible. That some classes can open up that can of whoop-something right away while others have to build up for it is just ill conceived.

  3. Pruning of course

Those are some things Blizzard can fix. There is something else that may be more important than anyone’s top 3 though and that’s all of us who play. Fun doesn’t seem to be in many people’s equations anymore. They want this, they want that, they are in it for the stuff even though they don’t like the stuff they get.

There’s better stuff out there. Easier to get stuff too. Go get that stuff and then come play when you just want to have fun beating on each other.


Maybe we need a Straw Poll to pick what the next Straw Poll is.


The problem with that is everybody’s got their own list and it would be way over 100 to pick from and you would still have some that got left out.

Can we have a straw pull to see how many people from the BG forum are going to PVP in classic? I’m honestly curious about this one.
As long as you don’t risk trouble from posting too many straw pulls though.

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When the ones I got up now fad alway I will be glad to.


Yessssss. Love his strength, determination, and perseverance, along with him just being an overall good man. I don’t like quitting either (too stubborn), which is why I stay in BGs even if it’s pretty much game over.

Honestly, give back blacklisting, and I feel like it would help the problem. Even with RANDOM, I got EOTS half of my BGs the other night. It was ridiculous. I personally don’t exactly enjoy that BG — imagine if I was an AFKer. And some BGs people just hate. Let them skip those BGs.

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Yeah I only AFK one BG and a blacklist would solve that. We used to have 2 blacklists, maybe having only 1 would be a good compromise that won’t hurt queues that much.

Sometimes I’m not in the mood for certain BGs. Back when we could blacklist, I would sometimes blacklist Strand of the Ancients and sometimes not. But I KNOW when I got repeat BGs is when I would blacklist said BG. It’s so annoying. So yeah, let us blacklist again.

People already are feeling forced to grind or do things they don’t particularly like. Shoving people into BGs they don’t like isn’t helping.

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I always had Strand on perma blacklist and the 2nd one I would rotate when I’d get those annoying “streaks” of something 4 times in a row.


I am always grouped with my husband. If I left, there would be hell to pay at my house. :persevere:

You left us in a warsong one night, but we were getting trounced. I can’t really blame you.