Strawpoll How many times do you AFK out of a BG In a Week?

Back about 5 maybe 6 years ago It was me and my 3 sons, my cousin and his son and then I had another cousin and his mom that played.


Our oldest spawn is 7, but he only wants to play gnomes. My husband and I play horde.


Aww, that’s actually really cute! :smile:


Do you corpse camp your kid in world PvP?


You. You are awful lol.

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We all played alliance my son’s would keep joking that they were gonna make hordes and come and gank me. I told them to go ahead, I treat you like I would any other horde. :rofl:


Or maybe it’s the other way around. Seven year old plays gnome rogue, camps mom and dad in world pvp? >>



My husband would so do that. Mama bear would bring out the claws. :rofl:


Your oldest recognizes awesome when he sees it and rightly goes for it. KUDOS!

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My grandmother mains horde.
She won’t pvp with me because she hates fun. :frowning:


I might quit out of this IoC I just got into. 5/8 “random” epics today have been IoC.

Actually 6/9 since Reflex doesn’t count this in progress one.

Kinda blows that “Oh yeah?! Yer gramma is a troll!” insult right outta the water, doesn’t it? :smirk:

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It totally does. So many jokes because of it.
I was hoping I could get her to pvp enough to be good at it so I could tell people ‘even my grandma could kick your butt’
Curse her pve ways.


Does she raid? If she did, it would be pretty funny telling some kid that you can’t stand in the fire you die you idiot I would be. :rofl:


Yep. In the condescending grandmother tone! :rofl:


Zero. For as much knee-jerking as I see about snowflakes and participation trophies, and about which characters are cowards and traitors, the permissiveness towards desertion in World of Warcraft seems really out of place.

If your kid was playing a sport and took himself out of a game because the other team scored the first point, I think a stern and meaningful discussion would probably ensue. And it’s not like these people are just deserting when it’s 1450-200 (well some are and that’s silly, but that’s a different thing). They’re usually quitting right after their first death, or right after the other team scores first. Quite often this is presaged with some sort of emotional outburst towards one or more of their teammates. An observer could be forgiven for thinking that these players had gotten butthurt and ragequit, if not for some carefully-crafted and very reasonable-sounding rationalizations that you can find here on the forums (“my time is very valuable”, etc.)

I saw someone on another forum say that BG desertions count under the “games played” statistic, but the posters here seem to be confirming my assumption that they’re not recorded at all.


My kids and I used to play together, but the one that still plays likes horde. We were both making new pvp toons one night and ended up running into each other in WSG. Just as I heard, “Arcane mages are stupid OP,” I was saying, “Haha, just deleted 2 little monks who came at me.”

I hear, “Um… what is your new mage’s name?” After that it was on. She did finally run in and steal the killing blow when a hunter had me near death. She danced on my corpse. Not sure what to make of that, lol.


I raised some similar points about ragequitting children’s sports myself, I agree completely.

And yes, quitting matches doesn’t count as a loss for some reason and that is bananas.

I was thinking of something earlier. For those who leave in what appears to be a loss, just remember that someone else is going to replace you, putting them in the situation that you left. They waited to be backfilled in a losing match because you didn’t want to stick it out. Is that okay? Seems kind of selfish to me.