Strawpoll How many times do you AFK out of a BG In a Week?

While we’re at it, let’s show objectives completed and nodes defended. I’d personally rather see those stats. Let’s just put it all out there so we can armory shame like pros!

Edit: The assumption is that players are afking to inflate their win rate. Have egos became that much bigger the past two expansions than they were prior to that?

If showing afk stats is intended to make players less likely to leave, then showing objectives should make them more likely to base sit or hold an orb or control a cart, yes?

Well I’m not actually advocating showing a specific afk stat, just thinking they should count as losses. That part was just me being a mean Gnome.

I don’t make that assumption, that would actually be more understandable in a weird way. It would make people touting their w/l rate more eye roll inducing if it was a more known way of doing that however.

Substitute fragile for bigger. It’s often a byproduct of an inflated ego but not always the case. Alliance side especially, after two expansions of getting beaten a lot, it gets harder and harder to take. Trying to do things different to see what may or may not work don’t seem to be in the cards for many so they leave.

I think we both know there is nothing that would compel about 2/3 of the playerbase to pick up an orb. It’s easier to complain about losing than to do all that. It’s easier to quit and get gear from emissary quests, same ilvl as current conquest in some cases.

If they want easy mode, I just wish they’d stick to easy mode and not mess up the not as easy as world quests activities. They clearly aren’t there because they enjoy the activity.


Zero! Victory or Death! :trophy: :left_right_arrow: :skull_and_crossbones:

It does get annoying sometimes when my queue finally pops after 15 minutes of waiting just to backfill into an AV where we only have 50 reinforcements left vs 300. :roll_eyes:
At least give us a backfill bonus like Overwatch does so I don’t feel like I wasted 15 minutes of my life waiting for nothing.

I have no problem with counting an afk as a loss. It’s when players ask for it to be a visible stat, I question motives. Some players afk to avoid a loss. They did it in Cata, MoP and WoD too. That it’s become so much worse since those expansions makes me believe it’s a minuscule portion of the afks we’re seeing now. Why are they leaving so much more often now?

Because they aren’t there because they like doing it? An addiction to rewards? I honestly don’t understand why some people keep going into bgs to begin with. I know the game itself is not as much fun as it has been in the past. I certainly do a lot less than I used to. But that’s just it, I do less.

It’s clear that a lot of people are no longer enjoying bgs just for the sake of doing them as much as before. Bringing back certain mechanics and designs would certainly change that course if it’s not too late. But the old systems aren’t there right now and each person each day needs to decide if they really want to do the activity.

Why do a fun leisure activity you pay to do, yet don’t want to do?

Gotta figure out what the problem is before they can fix it. That’s all I’m saying.

And it seems to trigger people when I say it, but removing honor gear and vendors happened at the same time players started afking more than before and I believe there’s correlation. Like it or not, players want something for their time and this system doesn’t do that. So even if we think they should only be there if they’re having fun, we can’t stop them from queuing or leaving if they’re not. It’s gonna take something other than force feeding our personal honor code.


You’re not wrong. There does seem to be a relation there. Most players want vendors back. Thread after thread has shown that.


Confirmed, they missed the target demographic for PvP. They thought they were designing it for Klingons.


The WoW community has changed, gaming in general has changed, there’s a whole lot of little reasons. I do think making deserter cross-account (and apply it to other queues as well, no dungeons either), as well as counting a quit as a loss might help some. Maybe only a little bit but any help is welcome.

While it might not be constructive to tally “Quits” publicly, it might be a good idea to keep track of them anyways. If the population ever increases or queues get better, they might have the opportunity to queue the quitters together for a taste of their own medicine.

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The ones who leave are the ones who shouldn’t be there in the first place. Nothing really lost imo. I didn’t see many leavers the last few nights other than epics.

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Deserter revolving doors really hurt Wintergrasp, as backfills have no rank.

Yea I said other than epics.

Yeah was supporting your statement

This kind of mentality is really bad when we’re supposed to want improvement of the game and community…plus Jadei is speaking to more of a macro issue, so the amount of leavers over the last few nights isn’t exactly going to be a helpful sample size.

“People have stopped ordering the steak…they’d order it, never finish it.”
“Well then they shouldn’t have ordered the steak to begin with.”

Doesn’t address ‘why’


How is appeasing foot stompers improving anything? Sounds harsh put that way but still.

Well, if you find the root of the problem…why they are AFKing…then you can resolve that, which should lead to less AFKs. The actual ROOT cause, not the face value “he left because we were losing”. There is more to it than that.


Well if the root cause is “the community sucks and people don’t give a crap” there’s not much they can do to “fix” that, increasing the downside to quitting is probably the only way.


Maybe account wide or something.

Is that the root cause? I’m not claiming the community is full of saints, but I don’t feel like I suck as a person and I do give a crap, so it can’t be the whole community. There has to be something deeper


Do you leave Bgs?