Strawpoll How many times do you AFK out of a BG In a Week?

We already have that

you say that, but more people leave matches than ever before

your assessment might be incorrect

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So? Theyā€™re quitters, not our problem. I really donā€™t mind people leaving as they are usually dead weight anyway.

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What we want is for those who canā€™t take it to not queue up in the first place. If you donā€™t like an activity, donā€™t do it to begin with.

I agree with you that a big part of the problem can be solved by looking back to a time when things were better. Vendors, customization of stats andā€¦

Better class design!!!


it is our problem

weā€™d all like a generally happy fun pvp playerbase enjoying their time. Hopefully having so much fun that a sizeable chunk qā€™s regardless of reward like the old days.

improving the current system and experience will benefit all of us. People quitting now didnā€™t quit in earlier xpacs, why? The systems worked better at that time.

how the heck you gonna fight to implement change Juga if you just say ā€˜its fine good riddanceā€™?

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I see this more than not, so no, itā€™s not. Maybe itā€™s your problem because it helps push your gear agenda, but I disagree.

50 shades, I hear. I know the motivations for leaving range the spectrum, but the end result is black or white. Either you had a pair, or you came up short.

Thatā€™s really the biggest weakness Alliance has, a pity party of sad sacks like a PTSD meeting. You can change that you know, be the change you want to see - donā€™t be the one offering to carry the umbrellas as everyone bails.

Itā€™s just pixels, and while you might be ā€œwasting timeā€ - everything we do here is a waste of time technically. The lawn needs mowed and here we are clicking on digital flags.


:joy::joy: love it.


Thatā€™s just how I see it.

AV turtles aside, I donā€™t really feel like anyoneā€™s really saving much time. If a team gets two flag caps and you afk out - by the time you log out and switch toons, or fly on a flight path to a WQ to help the animals, that match you left is over.

I donā€™t think itā€™s really about time as much as it is subconsciously not wanting the ā€œYOU LOSEā€ window popping up.


Mine are invisibleā€¦errā€¦imaginaryā€¦errā€¦proverbialā€¦

Does that count? :laughing:

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Internally mounted.

edit ok that sounds filthy thatā€™s not what i meant you pervs

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Donā€™t play much BGs these days, but if itā€™s to do a specific thing like Iā€™m in there to get a Brawl win quest done and I see that we have no chance of winning, Iā€™ll just leave. Have other things to do than sit there for 10 minutes and get nothing for it.

If Iā€™m in there because Iā€™m bored and want to have some fun killing stuff, then Iā€™ll stay whether we win or lose.


People quitting from a lazy mentality is not fixed by finding ways to reward them. But hey Iā€™ll play with this topic. I had some thoughts on it earlier.

Apologies in advance Sifu. I promise Iā€™m not nitpicking at you. Iā€™m going to use your post as an example. You make some really good points. :slight_smile:

The wait time after quitting is going to be longer. It takes less time to sit in a BG than it does to sit in line as horde + the 15 unless you alt switch.
A lot of regular BGs donā€™t even last 15min. That 15 + a horde wait is pretty darn long. Might be why I donā€™t see horde leave as often unless it is a landslide alliance win.

This is correct. Itā€™s why I see most people bail. Players leave because the only objective they have is to win the game for the reward. They are not there to pvp to get their reward. This gives people all or nothing notions so they leave games at the first sight of a loss and hope for carries in their next ones.
That is not how battlegrounds work. You can pull wins out of some severe disadvantages.

This is the majority of people who do not leave. They strive to win but they actively enjoy the content win or lose.

So a response is likely to change the honor system to reward you a conquest with your honor.

This could be done by say, rewarding 1 conquest for every 100 honor or every 20 honorable kills you receive on a Battleground. Objectives give you plenty honor now so playing them would reward you just as well. This way road fighting does not become more an issue than it already is. The regular bar fill up can stay.

This also makes a way to gear people faster so new 120s get equal to their average teammates. My numbers are ball parked and would likely have to be changed so it is not too fast.

I want people to think of the 9 or 14 or even 39 other people they are playing with. Team activities require you think of the team sport or not. Itā€™s just decency.

All of the changes above will not change a lot of leaving players. People would still quit. Yeah the pvp system is broken and terrible but people leaving has a lot less to do with that and a lot more to do with being impatient, lazy and not being able to stomach losses especially if those losses are epics (longer slog). I do not believe in letting people who leave every loss they get slip by unnoticed like that behavior is ok.
So yes make the debuff longer for every BG left.
Make it account wide.
Make every BG you leave an automatic loss.
Make it more likely that someone will be a backfill the next BG they enter after leaving the previous.

This makes it so people who have to leave for real reasons are not penalized too hard. Just the regular 15. You could even start it off lower at 10min.
But those who do it often for the above reasons have consequences for the action.


Bump of the day.

The 15 minute deserter buff wonā€™t effect me because I wonā€™t be trying to do BGs again. I have OTHER things to do, such as I can log on an alt, do M+, play another game, watch Netflix, etc.

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Leaving a game isnā€™t counted as a loss?

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No. And they really should be.

Better yet let the record show 3 numbers: Wins-losses-games left

And those records should show up whenever we mouse over anyoneā€™s icon here on the forums, no hiding! :wink:


To be fair, even ā€œgames leftā€ showing up on my toon/being public would not discourage me from leaving drawn-out, obvious loss bgs. I would still leave regardless.

I really donā€™t care too much about my win/loss ratio to be honest, the bottom line is Iā€™m not gonna stick around in a long 45 minute-60 minute loss, thatā€™s just a waste of time :thinking:

I play bgs to have fun, and being brutally farmed in a one-sided 45 minute loss is just not fun :joy:

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I find that weird because I feel like every other game counts leaving as a loss.

Yeah! So just the last BG for you before done with BGs. That makes sense and how people treated deserter before. They took it because they were stopping anyway.
A lot of people here are just taking deserter to bail on games and going right back or taking deserter and jumping to an alt to continue BGing (and leaving losing games)

Profile shows like you never went in. There are a couple threads about people spinning their win/loss on profile by leaving BGs.
I donā€™t know about three records. I personally donā€™t know why they show records at all. They donā€™t mean anything and cause a lot of extra strife and peen swinging. But since they show them leaves should count as losses. You took part and did not win so should be a loss.

AVs donā€™t usually last more than 45 on the long end. So you are leaving as the gate opens? You have no idea how your team could turn that game around or what you could personally do to turn that game around. You would be surprised how much one person matters.

The brutally farmed thing. Youā€™re being over dramatic there.
I have never had this happen to me in an epic and I solo q often. Have been joining a lot of epics.
Sure the team losses and there are big battles at the end but never have I been farmed like a GY camp in a WSG.
I have yet to be GY camped at 120. In lowbies the rest of the team not having gear caused it to happen. In WSG itā€™s a whole 2min of it at most.
That time was hard to care about when I can tab and check the forum for 2 min. :grin:

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