Strawpoll How many times do you AFK out of a BG In a Week?

This, I can understand as a misjudgment of time. It happens. I would group this more with IRL interruptions, which I find to a be good excuse if something comes up. Life is life.

And as an addition to the discussion, if I’ve run out of steam for a particular match, sometimes I will defend a flag, mine, or tower, which most people hate doing, but is still important to the match. You may see some action or you may not. But defending is almost always needed.

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Since I started I’ve only afk’d out of 1 bg, and that was before the game even started since I have real life crap to do before I try to dedicate myself to a grind or raid. :frowning_face:

Plus it does get annoying being kicked every ten seconds by four different classes.

Not sure, I wouldn’t personally understand trying to “bolster” your win rates for BGs by leaving losses. However, players have proven they’ll do a lot of dumb stuff in this game for achievements and ratings, so I can see it being possible.

In addition to that, would it actually track that you completed the battle at all if you left early? Having a 66% win rate in WSG wouldn’t be impressive if you’ve played three games, won two and lost one.

My list would so black, nothing but black, a sea of black, I would probably increase my queue times dramatically.

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Bump of the noght.

Well two things:

  1. Having Classic at the very least will give people something else to do during content lulls in retail.
  2. You don’t know what the overall roadplan is for Classic, it might extend on into Neo-BC, and beyond. Who knows!

And the third thing: it’s a sub to Blizzard.

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And growth to the Warcraft IP

Maybe one day there will be a World of WoW, an MMO based off this MMO.

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If I play it at all it will be just one toon that it. I will try to put this as nicely as I can I HATE LEVELING.LOL

60-70 they fuss about leveling 70-80 they fuss about leveling 80-90 not that much fussing 90-120 same not that much was easy. I have never played Classic so we will see what I read and see from YouTube leveling was no joke.

You pretty much had to. “Vanilla” and “Alts” are not really compatible, not really used in the same sentence (unless words like “can’t” or “don’t” are used)

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Put me down for can’t and won’t.

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Gosh if they made a Wrath server you might never see me in retail again.


Exactly… I’m all about staying if everyone is trying and working “together” … if the kiddies are drinking their capri suns and saying " i’ma do what I want" and eff it for the rest of the team up front… I’m out … I value my time and try to maximize my number of touches in bg’s

debuff is meaningless to me, a minor irritation

i can spend the time just switching to a bunch of other games, where I may not return to wow at all

i can spend the time doing something else in wow

i can spend the time tabbed out of wow and doing something else on my pc

i can spend the time just switching to another character and q’ing with that toon instead, might even switch factions

i can spend the time doing an incredibly long list of things

deserter debuff worked more effectively when people were hooked on progressing their toon in pvp. Then it would be more of a deterrent.

Currently there is very little progression in pvp, you get a tiny bit for one win a day and you get nothing for a loss. Unless you just enjoy bg’s and don’t care about progression - no deserter debuff of any length is gonna keep you in the match.

Then it should be fine to make the debuff account wide and have it get longer the more you leave games.

It should also be fine that every game you leave is marked on your profile and rating as an automatic loss.


Pvp participation has crashed and you think more negative reinforcement will bring them back

Solve the bad gameplay and progression experience

Can’t punish people into liking the game more

This crash and massive leavers came with legion and bfa, figure out why

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Negative behavior is not changed by rewarding said negative behavior. Negative behavior is only changed when there are repercussions for it.

This is not a catch more bees with honey instead of vinegar situation.
Being able to demoralize your team and leave freely does not make other people want to BG.
It makes them quit. Your behavior makes people unable to compete fairly in games so they quit just like you do. Making it is part of the problem.

If you dislike the games and that makes you leave it is best for you not to join until you are ready to go through the whole game. Games will then be filled with people who do want and like to play.

Also a lot of this has nothing to do with someone liking the game and a lot more with people having no patience or being unable to accept a loss with grace.

That does not mean you compound the problem with negativity in groups and leaving your groups hanging in battlegrounds.


nope, gotta solve why the experience is making people leave in the first place

you avoid that question for some reason, let’s hear your ideas on how to make bg’s more fun and to make less people want to leave

you also miss the entire point that players need/want progression, as this is an MMO not a sport, and lack of meaningful progression feels like wasted time and they want to switch activities

this isn’t a sport of any kind, it’s a casual MMO activity. no players owe you anything except civil conduct. This irks you. You want to ‘force’ players into doing what you want to increase your own enjoyment. But you ignore theirs.

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I don’t respect people who can’t stand losing and want everything just handed to them on a plate. Losing and failures make us what we are. You’re either Gandalf on the bridge yelling “you shall not pass”, or you’re the broken scurrying to hide under a rock.


nah its more complicated than that

most players will stay in a ‘potential win’ and have a lower tolerance for ‘stretch win chance’.

This ain’t binary. Tons of grey in the middle. The grey has shrunk because of the reward system sucking but its still there. I’ll see 10-15 peeps rotate through a guaranteed loss in wsg/ab. I’ll only see 1-3 in a competitive match.

Peeps just want fairness and a chance. Not being waste of time cannon fodder feeding the other team honor.

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