Strawpoll How many times do you AFK out of a BG In a Week?

Winning is fun. Losing is not.

Constantly afking out becomes a kneejerk habit. It’s a bad one.


Yep that’d be a numlock into the water moment.


The 8 conquest wasn’t gonna make or break anything. I didn’t even consider the score until after I typed /afk.

Fortune continued to smile upon me and the next game was an EotS where we missed perfection by a single tick.

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Yes. That is why I’d rather pvp than wait 15 minutes to requeue and sit in queue for another 30 minutes. Even in a loss I can find a good 1v1 or 1v2 somewhere.


I never leave.


I have gone AFK IN like 3 BG’s that I can think of.
One was I got a call saying my wife was in an accident at work that they was on their way to the hospital. I did not even log out hell I did not even remember locking the front door.
Another time when my son broke his arm.
At one time I had the cops show up at my door about a car that was parked on the curb that was not even mine.


Was in an AB earlier that had 5 people leave at around 500 points.
Screwed the whole game from then on. No communication either. No strats or anything at start. Nothing and then ‘alliance sucks’ and out they go.

It would be cool if I could blacklist specific people from my own games so I never had to see these types again.


Yes please. Plenty of bads I never care to BG with again.

Gd, I think you should try WG. Horde do decently at it - better than alliance IMO, lol, though maybe it is just time of day. The main irritating things about WG for me are the vehicle bugs and camera bug. Those could very well affect win rates too.

TY for your post. I guess I am the opposite. I rarely play small BGs anymore. I’m not really interested unless I can choose which maps I want to play (whitelist would be great, blacklist would be better than nothing).

And I can understand the frustration of eating a loss because so many people AFK out of BGs for the tiniest reasons.

If people are AFKing out of concern for their win rates that’s kind of bizarro to me. Would that be because they are trying to get on an RBG team that only accepts folks with certain win rates? I don’t know why anyone would care, otherwise. Maybe some people enjoy boasting about win rates to their acquaintances or on the forums (?). For me, I am just interested in data and statistics period. lol

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I dunno, but I just AFK’d out of one just now after I get into a group fight where my team don’t know what a CC is, yet the other team did, and I get pinned down, hit 4 times in a row with Aimed Shot that equaled to about 80k+, and then that stupid gimmick Pom Pyro ability for almost 80k.

Anyone who defends Pom Pyro at it’s current state should be mentally evaluated for the next 10 years in a psychiatric ward.


Just wait till classic. The reason on-use trinkets have a split cooldown like they do is because of that and that alone.

That drives me crazy, in addition to the “demo won’t shoot” bug.

But that camera one is especially annoying. “Oh crap by cat blew up, time to pull off some moves - oh wait I can’t, now I’m stumbling around like I’ve been drugged becasue the camera is insane”.

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I believe when Vanilla WoW was out I did the free trial… played maybe a few hours worth and didn’t enjoy it… gave it a shot again in BC and stuck with it so I eventually got into the game…

Now I know there is a bit of a difference between Vanilla and BC and with that on top of the videos I have seen studying up on Classic WoW, I have come to the conclusion…


I’ll pass!

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There’s a lot of nostalgia for it, it was the right game at the right time. But times are different, people are in for a shock. It’s the polar opposite to modern wow, you can’t get anything done without knowing people, even level professions.

I’m tempted to return to it just because of the OG AV, but I know the amount of work to get there is beyond the adult me.

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I mean I can understand the whole nostalgia thing, but I’m like you on the adult thing… I would never have time to commit to the brutal grind for pretty much everything.

Now I am fair in saying that currently in this game the handout in gear/resources/etc… is a bit giving and in classic you will have to work hard to play hard and that’s completely understandable. One thing I will always miss is the talent trees. That is something I’d like to see come back to this game completely.

I think Classic WoW will go under in 2-3 years. It will be like we wanted it, we got it But this is not how I remember it. how hard it was to level or that the OP class was Really OP.

I think The Burning Crusade was the best expansion.

If enough people play classic and enough of those people ask for a bc expansion, I believe blizz will give it to them.


It’s rough when you’re down to five people because a lot quit and you’re waiting for new people to rejoin. And this can be at the start of a match. It makes your team lose momentum pretty quickly.