Strawpoll How many times do you AFK out of a BG In a Week?

I’d rather have this team, personally. I sat in a queue and I want to play, not “let them win.” I’ve seen many games turn around, and I think those are the most fun.


Lol well luckily I’m a rogue.

I’ll find a way to pick a person off or have fun.

Yes, this is me, I haven’t queued for an epic in a long time. The impact of quitters is dramatically higher in the 10vs10 and 15vs15 maps.

Getting into a Temple of Kotmogu, the first head on collision between the teams happens, and you immediately drop 3 players is garbage. To then be constantly down by the rest of the game while the points wrack up against you is infuriating.

It’s extremely noticeable, if you don’t check the scoreboard immediately, keep getting swamped by 4 to 5 horde literally anywhere you go or anything you do. You say out loud, “WHERE IS EVERYONE”? You look, You’re 8vs10 and notice the trail of:
x has left the battle
y has joined the battle
y has left the battle
z has joined the battle
z says “Oh great, backfilled into another loss”
z has left the battle


is it just me or is this person’s avatar super zoomed in on the weapons?

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In all fairness, that is the only paladin rotation.

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@those who didn’t vote “I’m going down with the ship”…do you value the game?

Do you not care that the PvP aspect of the game you pay to play is going down the toilet in part because of this quitting mentality that is festering?


What’s he got going on that’s so important timewise anyways? It’s ok, those birds needing lasso’ed in Drustvar will still be there.

Only times I’ll quit is if it’s Seething (my vote in the participation metric), or if I’m like in an Epic and IRL intrudes, like someone unexpectedly comes to the house. (Happens more than I’d like despite living in the age of communication. Fricking call or text, ya derps)


Not just you.

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I didn’t vote this but I do value others time, as well as my own. If I sign up for a BG I’m staying with it, which is why I made a type of “curfew” for epics so I’m not stuck afking out if it gets too late. The smaller BGs are where I queue mostly, and majority are done within 15 minutes anyway.


Zero the last time I afked out of a bg was an AV years ago. I had to go somewhere and the bg was not even close to done so it was gonna be atleast another 25minutes.

The way I see it, pvp is always happening in bg. Win or lose, close wining, close losing, getting blown out and gy camped. There is pvp. If I am losing badly and team is getting gy camped or not following objectives I just go around looking for 1v1s, try to ninja bases, or even try to 1 shot the efc solo. I’ve had miracle comebacks, or near comebacks. It also makes a fail bg feel fun, sometimes the game ends and we lost but hey I went 10-1 woot! Like my own little personal victory.


Never. And the only time I abandon one is if something comes up iRL. I fight till the end, win or lose.


Probably needs to be a deserter penalty volcano. The more times you /afk within a certain time period the higher the penalty.

If Wintergrasp/Seething shore could be blacklisted I’d never afk any of them.


This is a great idea. AFK out of one sure. Stuff happens.
Two and the slide starts. Also to have it account wide.

If I could just choose not have to do wintergrasp or silvershard BGs all around would feel better.

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They did have a volcano penalty that started at 5 minutes. Unsure why they got rid of it.

There seems to be a lot of passion about this subject I just wanna thank you all for voting.

There’s nothing in this game for me, but PVP I do not care about mounts raids or toys none of that stuff. Doing BG’s winning BG’s Killing as many Hordes as I can now that’s fun to me If I was to ever a AFK out I think that would kill my passion for wow.


If i run out of snacks i might run to the store while watching stables.

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Is there A way to get your past BG’s from ReFLex?

Bump of the day.

I afked out of an AB we were winning 1300 to 300 the other night because Spawn2 woke up from a bad dream and needed some comfort.

Probably a pleasant for that particular backfiller


With a score like that you could have just stayed at a base and taken the win in one minute. Even a 4 cap from the other team wouldn’t save a match with that score.