Strawpoll How many times do you AFK out of a BG In a Week?

The key words is (Few stood against many)

This has not stopped me. I’m not belligerent but I get pretty mouthy if people are being that idiotic.

Being passive aggressive is so much more fun.

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Leonidas had an objective though, delay the Persian army long enough for the main army to retreat after they were betrayed. his death was less of a last stand out of spite and more of a sacrifice to save the main army.

There is only one BG that I will AFK out of if things start going south right away and that’s WG. It’s just too danged long. The others I’ll fight to the end.

I think there is a difference if you do it once because you had a day of dumb in BGs. Normally I take it as a sign to stop BGin.
In truth though there is a big problem with people just leaving and making it so there is no comeback for most BGs that start out a little slow.

This reminds me of throwing myself at farm so people rush in from blacksmith so my team has a better chance to grab it.


TBVH I would agree with the “SJW” assessment. Not in a “man, I hate these peeps” kind of way but in a “I see both sides of the coin” way.

Before getting into it, I’d like to know a few things about said “SJW” (increase penalties for deserting) folks:

  1. How many epic BGs do you play on a daily basis, and on which faction (horde or alliance)?

  2. Do you solo queue or group queue?

  3. How many toons total do you cap conquest with each week, where BGs make up at least half or more of the conquest earned?

  4. Are there any reasons at all that you could find it within your “I give all my time to everyone else always” hearts that you’d be able to generously excuse someone for leaving a BG; if so, what are those reasons?

  5. [edit - added] Do you ever do other “wrong” things in game or on the forums, ever? Doesn’t matter how small.

What’s maybe most odd to me is "SJW"s feel it is perfectly fine to punish AFKing, yet they don’t seem much bothered by the actual problem: the people coming INTO BGs who are the real perpetrators of wasting others’ time.


I do this in AV a lot it is surprising how many hordes actually follow you just to get that kill.

P.s Just a little advice for everyone if the BG is bad, do not read chat. There times I will not even look at chat even if I’m winning.

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Hmm, anyway… I don’t vote on other websites; but I’ll answer the subject question here because some may have assumed more than they should.

Small BGs:

  • I don’t really play small BGs anymore. The handful I played over the last few months I stayed in till the end.
  • There is really no need to AFK from them because they’re fast, especially if your team is bad.
  • I would never AFK out of small BGs if I were playing with friends - that would be rude and lame.
  • It seems that those who want greater punishment for AFKers are mostly those who play small BGs. I suggest they advocate for their desired added punishment in small BGs specifically.

Epic BGs:

  • These are what I play most/all the time. I find them generally fun, but the other reason I play them is to help fill up my conquest bar, because conquest is primarily how I gear (outside of RNG, Battle for Darkshore, and Ivus).
  • If I’m solo queued I leave the AFK option open in the back of my mind, but whether or not I actually AFK depends on the quality of the teams I’m with and which BG it is.
    • If the team is absolutely terrible, troll-ridden, and full of defeatists, I may choose to AFK depending on how grossed out I feel.
    • I rarely AFK out of IoC because it feels like the fastest (least painful?) epic BG to lose.
    • WG is similar, but if it’s a really bad attacking/offense loss such that the team is being farmed by vehicles I’d probably leave.
    • AV is currently my sore spot on alliance side. Having endured so many bad, very slow reinforcement losses since Legion (where no towers are burned and horde eventually wipe us out at our base and take the whole map), I’m often not interested in staying for those.
    • Given the above, in the past week I probably AFK’d out of five (5) or fewer solo-queued epic BGs, across three (3) toons.
  • If I’m playing with friends the AFK option is basically off the table, again because it would be rude/lame to leave. The only reason I would leave is if my friends want to as well, which is very rare. And it probably goes without saying that playing with friends in epic BGs makes the games more fun and tolerable overall even if they’re losing games.
    • Given the above, in the past week I do not recall leaving any epic BGs where I’ve queued with friends, across three (3) toons.

Notes on Backfilling into Losing Epic BGs:

  • I do not blame anyone who is made to backfill into losing epic BGs - particularly slow-loss AVs - for deciding to AFK out immediately.
  • Additionally, instead of focusing on further punishing AFKers, I think it’s a much better idea to reward backfillers into epic BGs, who stay till the end of the game, with a tenacity reward of 10 conquest.

I only AFK out when I’m on call and I get a call. I’ll stick it out even if it’s really bad otherwise.

Okay, I’ll admit it…when it’s very obviously over all I do is melee wings, die, wait for cooldown in graveyard, repeat. :slight_smile:


thx for the clarity
yeah, I simply avoid all epics for my health
onward and upward :slight_smile:

ps : AI backfillers would go far I think


To be fair, my “afk out rate” has gone up dramatically ever since Wintergrasp was added to the epic bg rotation. If I were to make a graph of my afk outs over time, it would show as going PARABOLIC almost immediately after Wintergrasp was introduced :joy:

Before WG I mostly just afked out of long, drawn out obvious losses or games where I could tell my team was sooooo bad that I knew they weren’t going to win or even stand a chance.

As for the little bgs, I rarely afk out of those, even Seething Shore is not worth leaving early since the bg is usually over before the 15 minutes you would’ve taken as a deserter. For the little bgs it’s better to just PvP on roads until the loss is over, or hide in a safe spot where you wont get noticed.

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Agreed, I’m very much in favor of “using Blizzard AI bots as backfillers” as an idea since it would be such a massive quality of life improvement for us players. We would never get dropped into a losing bg ever again, it would be a godsend for Alliance players especially :thinking:

Literally like 50-60% of the AV games I get dropped into on my Ally toon are “in progress” or “losing” AVs :roll_eyes: And something like 70% of the Wintergrasp games I get on Alliance are also “in progress” or “losing” games. I get dropped into a decent share of “in progress” WG games on Horde as well, it’s really quite telling regarding WG’s lack of popularity.

Getting dropped into “in progress” Isle of Conquest games is rare on both factions, in my experience. The vast majority of my IoC matches are “fresh” games.

Nothing quite like waiting 20-24 minutes in Horde queue, only for Wintergrasp to pop at the end of it :grimacing:

You realize 15min debuff is a waste of your time as well.

Most matches will end before that debuff…


Only BG I ever afk out of is Wintergrasp … and I do to as soon as I get the BG. I just can’t tolerate that.

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I apologize I’m biased actually. I rarely play epic bgs.

I love av and wintergrasp for nostalgic reasons but I can acknowledge it’s nostalgia. I know the instance I get in one I’ll regret it. Even though I haven’t had one wintergrasp since the relaunch

Only a maybe 1 a day, if that… Usually its if the other team has 2-3 healers and we have none and 1 tank or some BS like that. Blizz needs to fix their balancing system.

My team doesn’t just let the other team win, they play it out and waste my time delaying the inevitable.

What about your sanity ?

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Me too, I just can’t stand that place. I’d rather take 15 minute deserter tbh :grimacing:

The lack of PvP in Wintergrasp, compounded by the “static” 45 minute timer, just makes for a real boring time unless you (a) are driving a vehicle or (b) are a ranged DPS. Actually, even driving a vehicle is a snoozefest usually… it’s literally just spamming 1 button over and over :rofl:

I’ve afked out of two AVs because it was 2:30 am and it had already been going on for half hour and still reinforcements in the 400s. Now, I don’t queue epics past 1:30 am because obviously they should last a while but I’m not going to stay up too late over them.