Strawpoll How many times do you AFK out of a BG In a Week?

I stay til the bitter end win or lose.
AFKing is disrespectful to everyone on the team who is trying to win or be useful.
I will leave a BG only if something real life comes up.


if i leave because a portion of my team has gone off to do their own thing instead of sticking with the team and the strat who is being disrespectful to whom?


So going AFK and just sucking down exp (if leveling) for everyone elses effort is Okay?

If you donā€™t want to put up any kind of a fight even if youā€™re losing, why bother to PvP?

Drop the BG and be a defeatist, but donā€™t waste a spot to someone who might actually try to win the BG is how I see it.

why would i stick around for 20 minutes to lose when i can afk out and wait 15 minutes before queuing again? sure, thereā€™s a possibility that this group may still win, but i certainly donā€™t want to reward their bad behavior by increasing those odds, so i leave.

would you rather i sit and point out every single mistake you are making? or just leave?

hell i have been yelled at simply for leading, how dare i tell people what to do, why should i stay in those games?

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Are you talking about AFK like tabbing out and staying in the Bg or leaving the Bg?
I feel like we have a line crossed here.

i leave the bg. when irritated i can get downright surly in chat, so its generally best for everyone if i leave.


Ah, itā€™s entertaining to see some of the same SJWs here. :rofl::rofl:

But I donā€™t care if I need to /afk out. Iā€™m casual too and my time is just as important. Not everyone who queue is there to win. Not everyone who queue knows how to play their class. Not everyone who queue knows how to play the BG. Thatā€™s all fine. We have the choice to stay with these people or leave eating a fair penalty.


I get ya. I thought you meant just AFK as in, tab out and watch netflix while the Bg was in progress.

0ā€¦ zeero

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well said sir ā€¦


SJWs? lmao Youā€™re hilarious. Most of us are the despised twinks! :joy::rofl:


Lol, Iā€™m not sure where youā€™re directing your SJW comment. But if itā€™s to the ā€œDonā€™t 'effing quit, fight it outā€ crowd, itā€™s hardly SJW mentality.


Ah yes, the ā€œsuper predatorsā€ of WoW.

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Your response to me confirms how agreeable you are to my perspective, have a like, sir.

So you give up on the rested of the team because of the bad apples.

Thatā€™s the thing that one great comeback could make you feel like you won 10 BGā€™s in A roll.

I do get irritated some time, but I found out being nice p***** them off a lot more.

In my opinion AFK Either way just as bad as other.


Depends how many times Seething Shore pops.


I pretty much feel the same way.
Iā€™m a go down with the ship type person, mainly because I am stubborn but also very patient.
I do get mad in Bgā€™s but then just take a deep breath and be like ā€œcalm down silly, itā€™s just a video gameā€


I donā€™t leave often but after 15 years of doing bgs I can spot a waste of time a mile away. I am horde so I only need to leave once or twice a week because I win most of the time. When I see the group full of backpeddling keyboard turners get wiped instantly in kotmogu for example Iā€™ll leave, not wasting time with that ill go back to wq for 15 minutes, when I do decide to play Iā€™ll carry my team though.

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there is no point attempting to jump a 10 foot canyon if you can only jump 9 feet.

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