Strawpoll How many times do you AFK out of a BG In a Week?

Yea, we can do without those people, but it’s not the vast majority.

I like this idea even better.


It’s not a bad idea on paper, but I wonder if Blizzard would be willing to do it. They probably would consider a big % of games ending with “THE ENEMY HAS ALL FLED” to be a bit embarrassing.

Obviously that would lead to them having to do something about that, but I doubt they’d want the black eye of the screenshots.

It would still just say HORDE WINS! and they’d /shrug.

I almost never leave a BG, but for the sake of transparency I admit I just left an EotS that had 1 heal vs 3, and an 8 melee comp. We were down 2 people to boot.

I was about to call it for the afternoon in the game when that queue popped. Oh what’s one more then? Oh, pass. :rofl:

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On Alliance, I AFK the instant I see a loss (usually the first few caps). It’s not worth sitting in a blowout when I can do something else. Alliance is awful at PvP, and can never pull themselves out of a loss.

On Horde, I just take the loss because its usually 1 loss out of 5 wins.

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Nooo, not at all. I do sort of roll my eyes at this whole pride thing though. You aren’t serving your country in the military…you’re playing an MMO, lol. And in a random BG, not even rated. Just seems a bit much, that’s all.

I agree with this point tremendously. There’s no incentive to ‘stick it out’. I’d rather leave and join another BG on an alt, or do something else.

It’s sad, sort of, but frankly, what do I care? It’s Blizzard’s problem to fix, not mine. I fill in backfill plenty. If it’s early in the game, we often come back and win. If it’s late in the game, who cares the game is almost over.


Do you still do BG’s when you cap out?

don’t be that guy.

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Are you talking about conquest cap for the week? If so, it depends. I enjoy playing my various alts, so often I’ll switch to something else, but I do play my main as well beyond the cap. Though to be fair, most of the gear from conquest is garbage anyway…once you hit like 390iLevel you don’t get upgrades.

No source exists since they don’t admit anything.

But speaking for my own perspective, I have never seen a deterioration in activity in guilds, general server activity, and my personal friends list more than I have than this expansion. Even WoD wasn’t that bad.


To be fair, this game has been around for probably way too long…I’d prefer they just retire the game entirely and we can all replace it with another.

If you play beyond the cap on your main do you still AFK. :point_down:

I’m not sure why you think the cap has anything to do with me (or anyone) leaving a doomed battleground. Of course I would, the cap has nothing to do with it. A waste of time is a waste of time. A clear, absolute loss will happen whether or not I can gain conquest.

Except I’d love to see where she came up with this conclusion.

I was just going based on what you said that’s it.

this is a forum for discussion and debate, not a scientific study or college thesis, citing sources is not required. generally the “source!?” guy is more concerned with calling something anecdotal and dismissing it than they are about countering the argument.

if you really want information or data or an explanation, try using “what makes you think that?”

Gotcha. Well like someone had mentioned, if you’re purchasing from a vendor and gaining currency, even during a loss, then you can at least know what your incentive is / end goal.

That would keep more players from AFK’ing out, except the cases where the 15min deserter is shorter than a 30min WG loss.


Man ^ this is so true

My friend’s list is a ghost-town compared to Legion

Legion had all kinds of fun premade action and regular activity from the friend’s list… but now it’s like no one wants to do anything anymore. From my own experience, from my friend’s list, people seem to log on to run a few Mythic+ runs and then just log off.

Also see a decent amount of friends just standing around flagged “away” in Orgrimmar/Dalaran (presumably because BFA’s PvE content is just not that interesting other than M+) :thinking: