It sounds like you’re trying to shame people for not ragequitting out of their battlegrounds.
I feel like the afk/quit rate of bgs has gone up since the removal of gear vendors. Before, you could at least get some honor/reward for sticking out a bg till the end, and still end up eventually purchasing your next piece of gear, even if you lost most of your games. Now it’s only conquest that matters, so people leave as soon as they think the won’t be receiving conquest. Heck, I can remember some long AVs where I’d still pull down quite a decent amount of honor even in a loss. Now, there’s no reward for sitting out a 40 min reinforcement loss, and people would rather take the 15 min and try again and save themselves 25 min of additional pain with zero reward.
Nope wasn’t vendors. Legion wasn’t a rage quit fest
it makes a little sense if you think about it. conquest points are all or nothing, in legion even if you lost you still had a chance to get some gear to destroy in the felforge, so there was no reason to quit. now if you see an inevitable loss and you have more than 15 minutes of gametime remaining, its logical to leave.
Not buying it. I think people are just too impatient.
sure, a lot of people want their daily win and thats all they are after, but that is a result of the CP system.
IMO there shouldn’t be a first daily win, you should just get the same amount for winning in general, also there shouldn’t be a cap. you should be able to earn 500, then get a token to take a vendor, then earn another 500. if someone wants to gear up in a week let them. pve players have the option to gear as fast as they want, why are pvpers punished or given unfair systems?
a simple example is vendors, pvp used to have them, pvers complained, so they were removed, and now pvers have a vendor.
@ Juga & Inemia : you guys are forgetting the Legendaries carrot-on-a-stick reward
The first legendary I EVER got dropped at the end of a random Arathi Basin match. It happened on my birthday by pure coincidence
People don’t mention this often, but I wasn’t the only one that got a totally random out-of-the-blue legendary drop at the end of a bg match. It’s definitely worth mentioning as a reason why people tended to stick around more during Legion bgs
I personally witnessed a Druid casual get his “best in slot” legendary at the end of an AV match… stuff like that absolutely happened.
Now? In BFA? What do you “get” for playing out a loss?? A little bit of honor points? You certainly don’t get anything that could actually be useful, such as conquest points
You get nothing of value for sticking out a losing bg in BFA, you just waste your own time for nothing in return.
Incentives matter.
the funny thing is that alliance get a ton more honor than horde, yet they are the ones to afk out the most.
Games should not re-fill under those circumstances. At least not with a player, throw an AI tardbot in there.
Now? In BFA? What do you “get” for playing out a loss?? A little bit of honor points? You certainly don’t get anything that could actually be useful, such as conquest points
So now it’s the true BG’ers who stick around not just there for a reward. I’m okay with that
Games should not re-fill under those circumstances. At least not with a player, throw an AI tardbot in there.
in an actual battle when the morale of your enemy is broken and they retreat, you have won. bgs could be the same, just eliminate backfill entirely, once the game gets below X amount of players on one team, the other side automatically wins.
So now it’s the true BG’ers who stick around not just there for a reward. I’m okay with that
all 7 of us? hardly enough to keep the queues going.
Way more than 7 of us.
obviously, but bgers bging just for the fun of it are a minority.
Like it or not, random casuals are what keep bgs going and the queue times reasonable.
If the rewards are lacking, a lot of casuals (especially in Alliance epics) will just leave so as to not waste their time in a long drawn-out loss.
Some people do bgs just for fun, but I’m pretty sure the vast vast majority of casuals expect to “get” something out of it.
Yep getting them to quit is part of the gameplan.
People don’t mention this often, but I wasn’t the only one that got a totally random out-of-the-blue legendary drop at the end of a bg match. It’s definitely worth mentioning as a reason why people tended to stick around more during Legion bgs
I disagree with you vehemently on this particular topic but that’s a damn good point. I got my best legendary (pants that healed 3% of my health per second if I stood still) in a LOSS. Those pants made my hunter a turret that put up ridiculous damage numbers.
what about a different kind of penalty debuff? if you afk out you get a debuff with 5 stacks. each time you complete a bg you lose a stack. the debuff prevents you from getting a fishbox, win or lose.
I disagree with that.
Make that any box and you got yourself a deal! Heck I’ll even throw in a 3 stack instead of 5 but it needs to accumulate up to 100
But seriously, I’m for escalating penalty. One that only the chronic quitters would have to worry about