Strawpoll How many times do you AFK out of a BG In a Week?

I don’t take online polls seriously for various reasons.
A question… if you have access to multiple IPs couldn’t you vote multiple times?

Yeah, and that’s the second problem. If the forums represent a very small percentage of WoW players who are both subbed and unsubbed, the poll is even more questionable.

And especially with this particular question, there will be an issue of honesty. Some will be as honest as they can be. Some won’t really recall the number of times. Some will want to virtue signal.

If anything the polls are for fun - which is great - but I enjoy the reasoned discussion much more. (With no poor assumptions of others just because they aren’t ‘in line’ with the ostensible status quo.)

Wow. But yeah, It’s not a problem. Nothing to see here…

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I’m in a WG right now with Governnator that Alliance AFK’ed out to 14 people. Was just after reset though.

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I mean… 7 leavers/ragequitters in a little bg is pretty bad (that’s literally almost half the team lol). The screenshot Jarawana posted also seems kinda extreme.

…But neither really demonstrates this so-called “epidemic” you guys refer to. Until I see similar screenshots from a Horde player showing Horde players mass-leaving, I remain unconvinced :thinking:

So far all I’ve seen (with these screenshots) is that Alliance like to ragequit at the first sign of trouble/first setback, and I know you guys are telling the truth because I see a similar “mass exodus” of players in Alliance AV/Wintergrasp games pretty regularly.

A few screenshots from losing Alliance bgs hardly shows an “epidemic”, looks pretty typical in my experience.

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I wouldn’t call it an epidemic in smaller Bgs but the fact you made a thread about epics, I’d say those are pretty bad.

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bliz needs to make bg losses less worthless

even losses used to make meaningful progress towards your competitive honor set, do giving a 50% boost to the losing faction actually provided motivation to play more

now there is nothing, honor provides no progression of any kind so the 50% boost is meaningless for massive amounts of players

bg’s also provide no confirmed gear from the ‘slot machine’ win or lose.

the new pvp reward system has broken many many motivations for players to stay in a bg, especially a likely loss.

if it was like destiny, win or lose, you have the same chance to get a piece of useful gear. Everyone is putting in equal time and its on bliz to boot afk’ers so that isn’t our issue.

bliz MUST provide a compelling gameplay experience or people will just leave. Obviously they aren’t doing that right now for the down faction.

this is a design issue, not a player issue

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I think the first relevant note is that the entire team isn’t AFKing out when the score shifts by 10 points or the enemy team caps 1 flag. Maybe 1, maybe 2 tops…generally, the huge numbers of people leaving is when the game gets ridiculous.

The solution to these problems is Blizzard doing a better job matchmaking (or rather, just doing A job at it since it’s currently completely random). The solution should NEVER be harsher punishment, especially when people get disconnected and the like.

WG specifically isn’t worth mentioning in here. A ton of players don’t like it, it’s most definitely the least balanced ebg for attackers, and always a minimum of 30 minutes long without anyway to shorten that.

By far, every single random BG I join is completely unbalanced in one way or another. It’s not even comparable, and this is completely separate from skill. There are just way better geared players on one side, way more healers, way better flag carriers, etc…and that’s outside of the skill-based aspect of it.

To make the alliance feel a bit better…this past week, in the 110-119 bracket, horde has lost like 90% of the games, and that’s barely an exaggeration!

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It is 100% a player issue.


I think an honor vendor for blues, or something would mitigate some of these issues. Keep Conquest as it is if they insist on sticking to that system, but he does raise a valid point about honor being a currency at one point. The gear isn’t OP so it’s not like it’d bust the game.

Or if they don’t want to do vendors at all they can figure something else out for the blue gear. Increase drop rates on losses, put in an Echos of Battle reroll sytem like in Legion but with the Scrapper.

Or give a quartermaster coin to both winners and losers, and keep Honor/Conq the same. And figure out something better to do with the qm coins. Or something.

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Sure. I highly doubt that’s going to solve anything. You already get random drops.

Then go with the honor gear (not conquest) vendors again. Surely that wouldn’t wreck their gearing vision, and people could at least spend something from a loss on something useful.

100% design issue, you blame players for everything you would never get a successful game going. You design for the players, not to punish them into doing what you want.

Neither would you. That’s a weird thing to say anyway.

Rewarding attendance is not how to ‘get a successful game going.’

Making deserter account wide is a common sense move and we can take things from there.


Vanilla had crap for PVP rewards yet people would spend days in AV (with pee breaks and naps).

Yet there weren’t any problems.

That says to me it’s a player issue, as that was just fine when the playerbase was different.


I don’t know why they took out the vendors to begin with.

That is a good point.

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I don’t take them seriously either, but they do give you something to go off of. most the polls I do or for fun, but they show a little insight into what people are thinking.

I have never needed multiple IPs so I don’t know.

The bottom line for me is I will never AFK I have too much pride at starting something and not finishing it. I’ve said this many times before BG’s Is the only thing I like about this game. but I guess that’s the kind of world that we live in today people give up at the first sign of trouble.

I think you’re being a bit idealistic Bdm (and anyone else that refuses to leave a battleground due to ‘pride’). Leaving a close game, sure…feel bad for screwing over the other players if you want. But a complete blowout, you’re not saving anyone from any trouble, you’re just wasting your own time.

Come back down to Earth and realize it’s ok to leave a battleground that’s ending 1500 - 200, nobody cares/blames you. If you want to avoid the deserter, then that’s another story.

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If you don’t have the passion and commitment to the game you play, then why even play it. when I first started this game and started into PVP going up against another player It scared me gave me like a sick stomach Feeling. I still get that feeling today I guess that’s why I still play this game.

Taking pride in the stuff you do, I think that’s a good thing I think more people need to do that. Everybody’s got their own reason for doing what they do, I got mine.


The person who gets stuck backfilling your spot (after sitting in a queue) cares.