Strawpoll How many times do you AFK out of a BG In a Week?

I don’t quit if the team is competitive. I quit when so many players on our side don’t care at all about the objective, and it’s apparent. If the team is trying, I like trying with them.

Why should I suffer that BG with a bunch of selfish players and not the person that’d replace me? It’s just as unfair. It’s not my fault half the team refuses to play the actual game.

I’ve done SS vs TM like twice, stayed for both, but also won both.

Random battlegrounds lately, have been the epitome of unbalanced. If you ask me, the solution to reducing the number of AFKers, and thus the absurdly disproportionate scores in each BG, is to add some lightweight matchmaking. Don’t put me into a BG against 6 healers. Don’t put me into a BG where our entire team’s iLevel adds up to one of theirs. I’m not talking about MMR matchmaking, but there needs to be something inbetween randoms and rated.

That was for Gdtroll me and him love that BG a lot.

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too be fair which would be worse people afking out or people >afking< at a base in a bg doing nothing when u have a chance to replace that person?

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I mean…obviously it’s worse to just afk in the battle. You’re taking up a spot that could otherwise be filled by a player that’d do something.


That was a joke, right? It’s hard to pick up on sarcasm in text…

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Yeah that’s my point its better just to have the current system imo

I’m not really seeing this “epidemic” of ragequitting that you guys are talking about, the only places where I regularly see a mass-exodus of players are AV and Wintergrasp on Alliance side :thinking:

I’ve observed that both factions will mass-ragequit if the opposing team is a voice comms using premade, but it makes sense to ragequit versus a premade since the game was rigged from the start - you won’t win so there’s really no point in staying when the deck is so blatantly stacked against you like that (premades)

And yeah, I’ve had to leave some SS vs TM matches, but in those cases we’re talking the team would be down by like 60-70 points so it was pretty much obvious that a comeback was impossible :thinking:

I saw plenty of turn-arounds when a team was only 20-30 kills behind, I would only leave if the score got ridiculously one-sided (such as being like 70 points behind).

I only AFK after I’ve done my best to get 1/2 flags for most domination / flag carry bg’s, usually until I realize no one actually cares, or no one is responding to legitimate incs.

Once I notice the fact that I am the only (or maybe 1-2 more) person doing objectives while majority of group take offense to communication and properly overcoming objectives, I normally AFK around and prepare for the inevitable.


I guess I’m one of the few that just don’t like to AFK and will never do it.

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Nope, I just don’t like leaches.

Quit and leave? I don’t do it, I actually like doing PvP, not like you get much of anything for wins in BfA.

But I don’t have any way to know what your situation is. Maybe some sort of escalating debuff based on how often you do it, as someone else suggested, don’t know.

But as to the leaches, those who stay AFK in the BG?

Take up someone else’s spot and screw all your teammates?

Such a useless person has no place in the game, kick them out.

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But that’s exactly how players would react to radical ideas such as “24 hour deserter” and “account wide deserter”, the path of least resistance and all that :thinking:

It’s a human nature type thing, increase punishments? People will adapt accordingly, just stop trying, etc


Is not radical. It’s the debuff working as intended. It’s purpose being to keep you from entering BGs. That should count alts as it’s the same player.

Yeah that’s pretty radical.

I hope they stop trying actually. The few people who cant stomach losses will stop BGing due to frustration and the number of players who want to be there will go up.

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Can those stats be linked please?



Broken record time, but I think these folks are primarily talking about their discontent with seeing people AFK out of smaller BGs.

What I wanted to add is: If they also claim to play casual BGs “for fun, otherwise go play rated,” then AFKs count as people deciding what’s fun and what isn’t.

Therefore, if you’re terribly unhappy with people AFKing then go play rated. Or, I dunno, go form premades to play with made of people who will never ever ever AFK out. That’s still doable.


I know right?

Why don’t these guys just go do RBGs or something if random strangers afking out bothers them so much? :thinking:

Random bgs are… random


I often merc for Alliance, so I’m accustomed to games going sideways. Nevertheless, I stay to the bitter, bitter (BITTER) end.

Horde of Horde running straight at me with sharp objects drawn?

Bring it.

I’m on first name terms with the Spirit Healer. We didn’t finish our last chat about that time I made a mess in a china shop anyway.


This poll shows you some and that’s just here on the forums.

So I should be forced to do RBG’s because you want to quit that don’t seem right to me.


I love this we need you on the Alliance. :wink:


I know this is anecdotal and only one bg, but this is the DWG I just joined as a backfill. If you count whoever I replaced, that’s 7 afks in a 15 man over a 5 minute period.


As much as I would hate it, sometimes I wonder if players would prefer to have a option for a 5-minute-max Battleground system, where every BG plays until a team gets 1 cap in CtF, or 500 points in Domination, or a 5 minute timer ends the battle. I mean, that’s kind of what arenas are, but maybe some people would like that more than the current BG’s that they can’t finish.

Or maybe just take the PvP combat out altogether since it’s such a waste of time for so many players and just add up the cumulative iLvL’s or have everyone /roll to determine the outcome so they can get their CP without having to go through the trouble of leaving their base. They’d get their rewards so much faster, and then they wouldn’t have to do BG’s anymore until the next week.

I mean, I’m joking, but…