Strawpoll How many times do you AFK out of a BG In a Week?

Lol that’s amazing. Be proud she’s feisty and fun, mom. :grin::+1:


Your kid needs a Drust Ritual Knife. One of the few things I’ll actually miss from the current game when Classic goes live.


I leave multiple BG’s a day across multiple alts. You can tell basically right away based on team movement/composition if it’s going to be a win or not.

For instance if my whole team rushes mid in temple and ignores the orbs, I afk out. Seething shore, I afk out on sight. If my team fights mid in a flag carrying map and they have our flag halfway across the map, I afk out.

Basically I don’t care about comebacks or close games. I expect my team to know what to do and be where they need to be to win. The only time I stay in losing BG’s is when I play alliance. They need leadership.

But a viable strategy is to ignore the orbs at the start in order to win the initial team fight.


How about learning the DIFFERENT strategies for all the bgs and not holding to one as THE way they’re supposed to be played. Jd showed you one. One of many.



Use it all the time and it works. If you fall behind at anytime you send one person back to go ahead and grab an orb to encourage their melee to over extend.

I’ll take cowardice out of Temple of Kotmogu any day.

I just backfilled into an IoC to find a feral and a ret whacking on me as I loaded in. I admit I dipped out of that one.

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I’ve had that happen to me a few times :rofl:

Nothing quite like zoning in, having a nearby demolisher notice you, and then getting 2-shotted instantly :roll_eyes:

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Gotta love the backfill spawn location in IoC…

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I’m gonna bump this and direct a few here.

I have no problem with people leaving a bg we most obviously are not going to win. If it’s a close fight, or something happened like a single flag cap, there’s no reason. But if it’s clear the other team is dominating us, then sure…leave, I don’t blame ya.

I find MOST battlegrounds are one-sided anyway. There’s rarely a close game nowadays that it’d even matter in the first place.

I understand the lack of matchmaking in randoms, but I do wish there was something inbetween rated and normal bg’s. I don’t feel like getting into discord and being super hardcore about winning the bg, but I also don’t want to get into a game that’s clearly unbalanced (gear, healer distribution, etc).

at least 1000 times per week srs

I dont ever afk out. The only time i leave is when my team is getting rolfstopmed. I refused to play in non competitive bg’s.

The thing is AFK is like quitting and quitting not in my vocabulary AFK gets easier the more times you do it.

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and now 1 BfG.

The problem is Xrealm tech… It allows people to be total failures in randoms without fear of embarrassment or social reprisal.

In vanilla, before xrealm bgs where added… People legitimately tried in bgs against all but the top premades… because they’d have been EMBARRASSED TO BE SEEN looking like a failure at any aspect of the game by their server peers… and be EMBARRASSED to make a poor representation of their guild in “public”… Furthermore those actions had social consequences because everything was a same server community… if people realized you where atrocious in BGs, they might (justifiably) hesitate to take you to dungeon groups, or outright decline you guild invites. It actually mattered that you perform in vanilla (at least before Xrealm bgs where introduced late vanilla to beta test the tech for TBC), and it’s one of the biggest things I’m hoping Classic gets right, by keeping that xrealm crap out.

@thread… at least 6… but rarely 15+ and I don’t think I’ve ever AFKd 20+ I’ll leave lopsided matches, particularly when on my alts, and I’ve grown a particular loathing over the years for CTF maps because the vast majority of the CTF games involve like 1-3 people at most actually ever making any attempt to return the flag, with the rest of the morons just expecting to miracle itself back to the base.


Usually this, if I queued up I intended to help out somehow, but I think there needs to be a debuff that gets worse and worse, and maybe only resets every Tuesday.
15 min then 1 hour then 2 hours then 1 day, I mean why is someone even afking 5 times in one week?


About once a week but not because it’s a bad game. Sometimes the toddler will wake up on my last epic game of the night. Nothing much I can do about that lol