Epic Losses in a row can you beat it

Not trying to be rude here man, but I play wow for pvp killing hordes that it for me. I do not want to walk hand in hand with the horde into battle that why I look at merc as a traitor. when I sit down to PVP man I sit down to PVP before the BG start I may say a few things In chat, but When the PVP starts I’ve barely seldom say anything.

You gotta understand wow is the only game that I played Since 2007

On Bdm
I just cap out :joy:
For this week I’m 7-20 :astonished:

I’ve never done this bad in the 12 years that I play wow

randoms ftw …

f epics altogether
why stress over a losing scenario again and again?
imho, pvp for fun … not gear

that’s my story and I’m sticking to it

I recommend just leaving WG if you join and you’re side is attacking. The 15-min deserter is much less harsh than the 30-45min inevitable loss. I’ve started doing that and my win rate has sky-rocketed (not technically), lol!

I’m not trying to be argumentative or sound like a prick so please don’t take it that way.
There’s a few things I will not do.

  1. I will never be a horde or walk hand in hand with the horde.
  2. I have never ever AFK and I never will AFK out of a BG.
  3. I will never give up in a BG I could die 20 or 30 times and never give up.
    I was In a RBG it went bad fast I was the only one left they kick me because I would not AFK out. I’m nowhere near the best mage but I do have a lot of pride.



Just went 3-5 in epics tonight. Idk how you people (Alliance I guess) queue these over and over. It’s not even a Horde advantage/bias, Alliance players only have themselves to blame for poor play. AV for instance, can’t defend and their idea of offense is fighting at FWGY…

Just for giggles
Total deaths from opposite faction-18,604 lol

Meh… this week is actually a great week to spam Ally epics even despite the high loss rate of Ally. Even an Alliance loss still provides a ton of honor :thinking:

The queue time is super quick right now @ 3 minutes, so that’s also nice. The losses though? That part sucks :grimacing:

I even seen Zeela q’ing merc tonight

Seems everyone cashing in on the free honor points of Alliance

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I think there are more mercs than usual playing epics for the honor. I don’t believe that many care about winning either. They often have a very snotty attitude too, as if it’s only the alliance who are “bad” when they themselves aren’t even trying. I bet a lot of them play AV thinking it’s not that hard for alliance to win. lol

Of course, I’m not saying ALL mercs are like this, but my observation is too many are - at least with the bad “I’m better than you alliance” attitude. It’s one reason why merc is a bad and stupid system.


Another note: actual mercs for hire would be cut loose, so to speak, if they didn’t perform their duties well. No way they’d even be hired if they were crap. So the excuse - I mean concept - of horde being able to play on alliance side because they’re “mercenary soldiers” is bunk. Alliance don’t get to choose the ones we want.


WG attacking is easy to win. The attackers actually have the advantage by a 15% damage buff. All the attackers have to do is zerg the base that their enemy also zergs and wipe them in a team fight.

Ewww, that’s rough.

WG Attacking’s not hard to win, I feel the map’s fairly balanced. More so than the other epics. The first move you make as attacking is very important.

Man things on the alliance side must be bad… I capped out on Thursday.!!



It’s not hard if everyone does not zerg like mad or go to kill Glav :man_facepalming:t4:

Horde typically WILL backcap, Horde typically WILL defend IBT. Start game with these assumptions

I used to get capped out in three days now IM lucky to get capped out by Saturday or Sunday. The thing that bothers me the most is I don’t get the play BG’s that I love that much anymore.

Like Gdtroll some times I would Q for AV just for fun now with this bad luck or whatever you wanna call it I don’t have much time to do that. I wanna call it my bad luck, but there’s a lot of alliance that’s having the same problems.

You’re Alliance, it’s been that way for a while.
The Devs play horde so as long as THEY have fun, there is no problem.
Heck, the guy in charge has no idea what your experience even consists of.


Reflex should not be an add on, it should just be a system that’s part of the game


And we should be able to see overall win/loss rates.
Oh, we’re supposed to trust the guy in charge who hates the Alliance so much, he’s never played an Alliance player and never WILL? Right.
Wow-stats went down as the horde win rate was approaching 60% and the following three months was horrible for the Alliance. I can’t even imagine what the overall win/loss rate is these days…

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