Stratholme Service Entrance Sending people to main gate

Someone Said it worked for them about a week or 2 ago so i guess something happen with the restart

I’m guessing it had to have happened with the reset.

I know I did a few runs on Sunday, and at least once on Monday.

When I tried it on Tuesday evening is the first time I encountered it.

I did several runs over New Year’s weekend. Now it’s been broken since reset. Five days and counting. Please fix this Bliz!

Still having this issue today.

I am hoping that for some odd reason the timewalking event is screwing with the portal so that when the event ends it’ll be back to normal. Not sure if that’s ever been the case, but hoping that it’ll be fixed by Tuesday!

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Same on Wyrmrest Accord and The Scryers. Tried killing everything on “live” side, the gates will not open to undead side. Zoning in through service entrance sends you to main gate.

+1 same issue here, can’t get into the Service Entrance side.

Aman’Thul server - same issue for the past 5 days.

Dalaran Server - This is happening for me at the moment as well.

I was trying to get the Classic Dungeon Master achievement and this bug is preventing me from doing so. Bummer. Hope it’s fixed soon.

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Still bugged, just tried on my mage and it’s broken.

Just tried the Service Entrance 3 xs and every time thrown into Main Strat. Sent in a couple bug reports hoping that I annoyed them as much as this issue is annoying me. Thanks for posting this.


So it’s still broken as of when I wrote this.
Was hoping it’d be fixed during reset.


Lol… common blizzard… 3 weeks without fixing this!!!

Well Not Working for me either after reset… Hopefully they fix it sometime soon. I need to grind for some items and wanna try for the mount. I’ll just keep trying everyday till it works.

Still broken for me on NA - Dalaran server.

Just trying to finish up the achievement and a chance at the mount!



Sometimes I wonder if devs even read the forum

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Its kinda disheartening to see they seem to value Reddit over their own Forums. Its just after the holidays and they do have a lot going on so I hope these issues can be addressed in due time. But it really does seem like the communication with actual WoW Forums is very low.



Decided to check again incase it was fixed with the weekly reset and it’s still bugged.

Same on Steamwheedle, Wyrmrest, and Moonguard.

Yep, same here as of right now…thought I was going crazy then found this thread, plz fix Blizz!

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