Stratholme Service Entrance Sending people to main gate

I am having the same issue too.

Still broken

Please fix

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Same hereā€¦ But I couldnā€™t report properly, the game keeps saying I have to report, but the instructions ingame are confusing.

Confirmed, bugged for me as well. Can we get a blue in here or what?

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throws table

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Throws Table Back (Also, still happening to me too.)

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Having this issue as well. Blizzards bug report system is so bad

Same issue and unable to find a way to report in game.

Decided to do a few runs for the mount and ran into this issue, was working just fine about a week or two ago on the same character I used previously.

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still broken today

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Iā€™m curious. Can you get to the undead side from the main entrance like you used to before the dungeon was separated into the two distinct instances? Or is UD Strath just not accessible any more?

No you canā€™t get to the other side

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Iā€™ve been having the same issue and on another thread. Everyone make sure to get those bug reports in!


Iā€™m having the same issue, get zoned in to main gate from servant side

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I can confirm this is still happening as of 1/7/23

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Same can confirm, need to be fixed

Iā€™ve encountered this issue. +1

+1 Still an issue.

As you walk up to the portal it says ā€œService Entranceā€ but when you pass through the message becomes ā€œMain Gateā€.

Did this start with reset? Has it worked for anyone since Tuesday?