Stratholme Service Entrance Sending people to main gate

So I’m currently maxed at 60, and I’ve been trying for 4 hours unsuccessfully to get in on the undead side and I finally gave up just 2 minutes ago and I am going to report the bug and hopefully blizzard gets off the lazy asses and fixes the damn problem because this is ridiculous and extremely aggravating and people are constantly trying to do this going in on the East entrance and they get shot back to the main entrance. I’m currently live streaming and this is aggravating the ever loving crap out of me


Still not fixed. Rip mount farm

Service entrance still sends you to the main entrance

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Checked for myself, still occurring.

One long rabbit hole of fetching items and googling how to get the Glory of the Legion Raider and I’ve hit a wall, unable to get in here to get the item I need to farm for an achievement.


Still bugged :confused:

.|X|. Sucks this is still happening, i need to get an item from here

Same issue for me as well as of 1.12.2023

Bump until it get’s fixed.


How is this still bugged? :anguished:

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Still bugged here on Khaz’goroth.

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Yup, MG issues as well. I thought I was losing my mind.

Hurry up blizz, I’m trying to take my tauren girlfriend out on a romantic date.


Having this issue on retail as well WRA.

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Bump for a fix.


STILL an issue

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Soooo…we ever going to fix this Blizzard?


This is still an issue. I am missing out on achievement, dungeon quest, loot, and possible mount. Can we please get this fixed.

1 Like He found a way to get around the bug but sadly it’s a demon hunter only

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Reported in game. Hopefully a fix comes soon. Might as well bump here as well.


Bump for fix for a lovely horse of death…Strath-tica! Strath-tica!