Stratholm bots are so easy to see yet the same ones have existed on my server for 6 months, or since i transfered

I’m sorry that I’m speaking too much sense for you. I thought you could be reasoned with but I’ll just put you on mute and let you go about folding tinfoil hats up for you and your forum buddies.

You sound like a Flat Earther dude.


Does this guy not know that Chinese WoW is run by a completely different company and has nothing to do with Blizzard? Chinese WoW is operated by NetEase, a Chinese company (with more than four times the number of employees than Blizzard).

Blizzard doesn’t ban bots. Some trash third party company that modified skeletons into loaves of bread (actually true) to comply with the Chinese government’s restrictions apparently does. That’s PATHETIC.


Also he refused to respond to anything and kept on constructing a completely irrelevant argument, and then bailed when we didn’t bite.


Why dont you come foward then and post some sources on how they tried to get rid of the problem? Stop making assumptions about me, too. I was asking for sources, you did not deliver. And it is the general consensus that Blizzard does not pay that much attention.

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Here’s the most relevant one followed by a bunch of others. There’s way more responses besides these:

4410 posts
Customer Support

Additionally, the last action was not several months ago. We have various actions happening all the time, often throughout the month in both games.

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Some of these people sound like Trump. And - again - why are the same bots running around Classic?

And are all these posts relating to Classic, or just retail?

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Source: dude trust me

He is right though, we won’t trust Blizzard just for saying something. Because they have a track record of lying to us.

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It doesnt help that players intepret things how they want to interpret them. Players holding Blizzard to promises Blizzard didnt actually make. Turning responses into their whining for attention for their own agenda. Not agreeing with the solution because it doesnt fit or match the solution they feel shouldve been used. Sometimes no response is a response. They ban in ban waves, this has been known for well over a decade.

Bots are like dandelions, you can mow them today but therell be hundreds more tomorrow. They have to break the program to create more work for the bots to operate.

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but most of these posts refer to WoW BfA. Which is shameful enough. In any case, actions speak louder than words and when I see bot groups over bot groups running in and out of Stratholme I cant put much trust in Blizzard.

The first 4 letters of your name makes me chuckle in relation to this post.

Mages can bot STRAT now???

Lol no. No they haven’t. It’s been silence since day one.

It’s posted day after day after day, here and on reddit.

Endless waves of bots in every zone, on every server. Creating queues and destroying the economy.

You need to accept that Blizzard simply

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That sure sounds like a lot of bots!

I mean have you not seen the screenshots of people /who zones and there’s over 50 unguilded mages in almost all of them?

And they are human!

A different company, one that makes money off token sales and thus loses money if farmers sell on websites.

Because they aren’t doing anything about bots in NA, it’s that simple.

Because Del’s a shill, an obvious one at that who’ll protect Blizz regardless of what they do. There’s no point in trying to argue with someone who lacks critical thinking skills and will accept everything the company tells him no matter how many times they’ve been proven to be full of it.

I do not understand why you are like this