It seems that if you join an instance while flying on your dragon (ie: A BG) your strafe buttons can be deactivated and don’t reactive. You can go back into the world, fix it there, but then as soon as you instance into another BG (or any other instance) it stops working. Even if you are not on the dragon again when you join. How can this be fixed?
Yes this happens to me as well every time I zone into an instance. I have tried the following, with no success:
restarting computer
disabling all addons
uninstalling all addons
The only way I have been able to get strafe back is by getting on my drake, flying up in the air, then landing and dismounting. Then I’m able to strafe again.
This “fix” doesn’t help in bgs or arenas since you can’t just leave and rejoin, and it just bugs out again the next bg/arena I enter.
This bug is extremely frustrating as an Evoker due to positional requirements and the directional nature of our spells. This needs to be fixed A.S.A.P!
I am having the same issue. I cannot run a dungeon because I cannot strafe with Q and E. I really hope they fix this issue. Ive tried all the “fixes” but they only work until I join another dungeon. Even if I leave, fix it and go back in, once im back in, it no longer works.
Has happened to me had to restart twice then it started working again was also getting mouse acceleration game was working perfect before pre patch had nothing but issues since
Thanks for the reply! So the issue isn’t mine specifically, it’s my husbands. He has done that where he will leave an instance, get on his drake, fly, land, and then dismount. It works while he is out in the world, but as soon as he returns to the instance (or we join a BG or something) the issue comes back. Even if the issue isn’t present in non-instanced content.
We have received several reports of this issue and have investigated it. It seems to have been caused by server instability, please try again. Should it happen again, mount and dismount a dragon mount, or relog.
Another fix is to make sure you aren’t mounted when you accept your dungeon queue. Unmount and give it a few moments before joining.
just 5 minutes ago i was trying to do mythic’s with friends and each time i entered the dungeon it would break my Q/E keys, so i would walk out and mount my dragon then they would work and i would walk back in the dungeon for it to break again. and yes 'ive relogged/closed the app entirely. done it all, its something on your end of the bug
update, found out its broken anytime i leave the dragon isles, if i take a loading screen somewhere it breaks the keys. please fix the game so i can enjoy it
while i have not experienced inability to strafe after flying for a couple of days, it is still an issue where the character may face and go forward in an unintuitive manner, and autorun is activated unexpectedly.
while i believe that some issues have been resolved with the transition of dragon riding to normal movement, not all issues are resolved.
additionally, advising the customer of a behavioural workaround should be called out as a workaround, not a fix. Reminds oe of an old joke…
A guy sees his doctor out in town one day and says, “Doctor, my arm really hurts when I bend it this way (he bends it), do you have any advice?”
Nope. My spouse had the same issue again yesterday when zoning into a dungeon. He zoned out of the dungeon, did the dragon jump thing and was able to strafe again out in the world. He went back into the dungeon and was unable to strafe again. Of note, he does a lot of the dragon races and he had finished doing the advanced gold ones less than an hour prior. I don’t know if that matters, but it’s something to consider.
Try entering all these commands in-game: /console rawMouseEnable 1 /console rawMouseAccelerationEnable 0 /console gxCursor 0
Alternatively, edit these into, or do both anyway: SET rawMouseEnable 1 SET rawMouseAccelerationEnable 0 SET gxCursor 0
This seems to have fixed the erratic behaviour with mouselook. It makes sense that it happened to me because I started my ui from scratch with the release of DF and forgot about these commands. Try em out. Hopefully they work for you.
This issue needs to be looked at again. While I can confirm that the “dragonriding mount” fix will work while you are outdoors, this does NOT apply to when you are entering a Mythic dungeon. I was experiencing Strafe completely disabled at the start of the dungeon, zoned out, rode on a dragon into the air, and dismounted.
I reentered the instance after awhile. The problem persisted.
This bug makes moving almost impossible to dodge mechanics and even perform well while in the Mythic.
Not Solved. any fix people are claiming will fix this does not fix it, it might change the symptoms, but the problem persists. If people claim a fix exists, then the state of urgency will be dismissed.
Logging off and onto another character seemed to fix it for me. A pain having to do this every time. Alternatively creating a new character will have a reset to the config.