Story Forum Community Lounge (Part 2)

Quiet! The occasionally bad luck word.

It’s safe if you say it in a joking way, like “hahah, I bet it won’t be quiet tonight”. Mostly.

Sometimes there’s no preventative magic strong enough to generate a chill Friday night with everything in town, though.


I figured the Q word was something else. Quagmire ot something. Something that sounds more dwarfy. But I suppose quiet works too. I imagine dwarf burrows are not normally very loud.


My other question is how long do you plan on being at the conference tomorrow, and where will you be? Downstairs, upstairs? It’s a big building, it could be hard to find you unless I’m looking. I will be looking, of course, but just in case I can’t find you in there I’d prefer if you told me below where you’ll be. I plan on checking out the Hearthstone corner again, it was a lot of fun last time. If you want to make sure we meet up, try there. I could

Friends, I thought I would do the “charging the lunar staff” quest since I haven’t done that.

Since I was on my warlock anyway, I figured I’d just do it on him despite his lack of easy transport between zones. I had finished Kalimdor, bopped over to Silvermoon, flew down to Duskwood, did my last dip… Off to Booty Bay, though I was starting to get low on speed so I ducked near the ground to recharge.


The whirlpool in Stranglethorn still instakills you, even if you’re just skimming near. And dying means you fail the quest.



Sorry if I seem pushy or angry. I’m not angry, it’s just that I’ve been under a lot of pressure lately and I was hoping we could escape. You know, like the Pina Colada song. Ha ha. Anyway, talk to you soon.

Fun fact: this is Sledge. I have a short mocha elf of my own, but she was originally created back when the void elf threads were COMMON, and the theory was that I would get a level on her instead of saying something unkind when someone had a take I… struggled with… about short elves.

My theory with her is that she’s a Theramore survivor with massive anger issues because pretty much all my elves are my edgelords. Not, to be clear, on purpose, but I have an excess of elves with chips on their shoulders. Except for my demon hunters, who are both cinnamon rolls for some reason.



Nice, that’s kind of like something I was thinking about for Nightsong, before they became an Isekai…

It’s easy to do… basically all of them have tragic backstories just from being a member of their race…

Inversion of expectations? Or perhaps they are so edgy they caused a cognitive inversion that resulted in a positive value instead of a negative value…

Kind of like Ghandi in the Civilization series…


Like, my night elf is tragically bad at being a demon hunter but also tragically earnest. He’s a sweet idiot who got in over his head following a buddy down the DARK PATH. Somehow he’s still alive.

My blood elf is just one of those guys who’ll do anything to protect those he loves, but he has a strong moral compass and despite occasionally getting all pointy and vomitting fire, he’s an upstanding dude.

I love my pile of dumb characters. Some more fleshed out than others, but they’re all great.


Those sound awesome! :smile_cat:


I like them. I haven’t done a lot of RP since my life got busy and unpredictable, but the way I engage with my toons is figuring out what makes them tick, even if it’s just for me.

And if I ever break a leg or something and can get back into RP, I will be. So. Ready.

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I’m the same way. I have back stories and reasons for all of the characters I play.

I really want to get into RP, but every time I start to engage I’m reminded that I have other commitments and obligations… I need more time or a brain better at managing it… Maybe both.


:smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Soon, my dreams of a cross-faction Mocha Militia shall be realized…


Heading out to DnD…

Just wanted to stop in and say this…

Alynsa… I’ve been leveling a Resto Shaman… it isn’t fair… Why resto so much better at soloing dungeons than Enhancement?

It’s rhetorical I know it’s because of the healing being tuned to keep a group alive… but still…


Because resto shamanen heal with water, and who doesn’t like getting wet heals?

It turns every dungeon into a water park!!

And now your mind has gone back into the gutter.


Jokes on you, mine never left the gutter and at this point, it’s too afraid to leave :dracthyr_crylaugh:


Never thought we’d be in agreement.

Man that show crushed it, and moreover gives me another piece of media that I get to point at when failing to write the Forsaken well.

I’d love to see a generational clash between Forsaken gen leaders like this;

Perhaps between Amalia Stone and the Black Bride.


Seriously though this is Calia;


Speaking of coffee and everything, what’s your favorite type of coffee? Do you like yours strong? I like it strong, I guess that’s because I like to live life dangerously and take risks once in a while. if you like taking risks, then I’m your type of girl. Even if you play it safe, I’m probably still your type. I hear

Wait… a waterpark… but wouldn’t that mean Alynsa was in a… :flushed:

Well… it wasn’t without help… :black_heart:


And… just realized I sent out a random unprompted friend request…

Mordray, the name of a character I used to roleplay, back in the old days of forum rp, as well as my first WoW Shaman.

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