IMO Restoration Shaman has some of the prettiest heals in the game up there with Mistweaver Monk.
That being said, the humor of dumping magically conjured water onto everyone’s heads is not lost on me. I always wonder… is the water warm? Is it cold? Does it magically evaporate or is everyone just soaked?
Inquiring pedants want to know! (It’s me, I am the pedant.)
I always picture everyone just dumping a bunch of water out of their boots whenever I finish healing a dungeon. (Those that wear boots I suppose, could never be me.
It is cold. You are dumping buckets of healing cold water on the heads of every single DPSer standing in the bad, or pulling extra mobs for funsies.
Okay but this adds another layer of fun (and questions!)
Perhaps I am extra spicy at a DPS who wants to fire dance? FREEZING COLD water on your head.
Maybe the tank is a big meanie and grinding my gears? BOILING HOT for you, sir!
Don’t make me start using lighting bolts while you’re all wet mister! Now behave! 
I just broke up with my boyfriend, send me good energies to go through this…
I’ll probably play more video games than ever, i just don’t want to be alone. It is frightening…
Just remember that you’re never truly alone. While your romantic relationship might be at an end, your friend relationships are all still intact. You got this!! You will get through all of this and come out the other side, and then find someone new and wonderful!!
Sorry to hear that hun. Hugs You’re awesome. Remember that 
Alynsa and Karestae have it covered, however I just want to reiterate that you are never truly alone.
The pain will fade, it doesn’t feel like it at the moment, but it will.
Maybe listen to some music, exercise, try writing… These can help with processing. In the meantime just breathe, and remember you are never truly alone.
I cannot recommend creativity enough as an outlet for emotional turmoil.
I really like doing meditative drawing with repetitive shapes and detailed lines. Helps shake out some of the dusty linens of the mind.
Thank you guys, it is difficult to leave a life behind but sometimes necessary, the wind of change is blowing and i’ll be better in a few days.
I just needed to vent. Have talked to some friends and therapy have lifted a bit my chest 
Meanwhile i’ll find a hobby in the free time to ocupy my mind.
If you’re staying at a hotel nearby with the rest of the Blizzard technicians then I’d like to know where it is and maybe we could get together tonight before the conference tomorrow. It’s still pretty early. We could eat a lunch at that restaurant, I suggest the blueberry pie. their sandiwches are also good, I’ve had
the tuna melt and let me tell you, it’s to die for. I tried looking up where you guys were staying but the information wasn’t on the Blizzard website. Is it the Holiday Inn? If you respond to this before I finish my coffee I could drive over there and pick you up. That’s all I had to say. Bye
My rogue is now a swashbuckler-princess of love and joy, and this makes me very happy.
So on WrA I made a vulpera monk version of Karestae. He’s going to be a lvl 55 twink character I plan on keeping in Pandaria and MAYBE AU draenor if I decide I want a garrison down the line. 
Quite funny that we will get the pirate patch before we get the heritage for Draenei and Trolls.
I love Vulpera! I’ve been wrestling with myself to change Naovi into one until the Draenei heritage comes out but trying to resist!
They’re just so adorable and fit Shaman gear so well! Plus the fox totems are too adorable!
I love Vulpera but they are kind of limited.
I have a Vulpera Rogue and Hunter but their tank/heal options aren’t for me.
I enjoy tanking and healing on Paladins and Druids and Vulpera can’t be that. Vulpera options for Tanks and Heals aren’t for me right now.
When those classes are unlocked though I will probably make a 3rd Paladin and 3rd Druid.
Same. I might make my Druid a vulpera when the race gets them finally 
I think I’ve said it before, but it’s honestly surprising to me that they couldn’t be Druids on launch.
A suspected (but lets be honest, likely) off-shoot race of a Wild God seems to be prime pickings for a Druid. The same goes for Pandaren, IMO.
I think Paladin is workable as well, if they leaned into the ‘Eternal Sun’ motif like they have with the Tauren or even a holy fire theme, I don’t think they’d have to make too many lore backflips.
I am enjoying and also confounded by the love festival stuff.
Like the Ogrimmar grunts asking if I need a hug as I primal scream down the Drag kicking bottles.
Oh. Also, Sceo just picked up a pillow and screamed into it, impaling it on his tusks, and now I’m worried about him too.
You can take pride in anything you do.
Welcome to the how any business works. The creators can and will change lore any time they want. This also happens in books and movie series.