Story Forum Community Lounge (Part 2)

To be clear – I’ve been lectured, but not enough so that anything stuck.

I just know one is the big rude cool city and the other is hot-dish land even though they’re identical.


Oh yeah, mister smartypants?? Well, I have Google, and I’m quick with the search, so you only confused me for a couple seconds!! Hah!! Google wins!!

I only thought tuppence was a weird thing inappropriate to talk about here for a couple seconds!!


Now onto better news- the other Blizzcon conference is in only 4 days. I assume you probably already knew that. I’ll be sure to attend. Hope to see you there if we’re not able to meet up before then, but if we can meet up before then that would be great. We’ll go to a concert, like I said, and

On the more earnest side it took years to find the proper therapist who was instrumental in getting me access to substance controlled meds that have been life changing. Due to my history of volunteering for inpatient rehab I got blocked from a lot of them.

Which is still insane to me. I’d like the stuff I was self medicating for but with ya know a measured doce a doctor what can prescribe me a measured chemical amount. What little I was caught for had nothing to do with manipulating doctors or drugs in general. Genuinely just seeking aid.

She left the practice in November. And I’m not interested in training a new therapist as they’ve to learn my very complicated lore and understand my gallow’s humor is not ideation so I’ve not bothered.

A solid therapist’s goal is to make you no longer need one.


You have no idea how much this resonates with me.

At work, my long-time coworkers who know about my therapist struggles have a jke that I am the therapist-breaker. Because I recieve my inpatient stuff through a service that mostly caters to low income people (cuz like… Shelter work isn’t known to pay very well), they are often staffed with people recently out of schooling, looking to get their hours in before they open some private practice or burn out quick. I average a new therapist every nine months.

And let me tell you, the first month or two with a newbie? They have a lot to be trained on!!

I have a… Distinct manner of speaking. I do not know how well it comes across in my typing, but I sometimes use words that are close to what I probably should use, but not quite entirely right. So already there’s a small language barrier.

And then there’s my accent. One part Bostonian Northshore, one part Syrian immigrant parents, one part too much TV in my childhood, and what some swear is a hint of British (probably because my mom came to America by way of England) but I personally just do not think that is correct.

But all of that is easily overcome. Easy-peasy, just tell me to slow down and it is all just fine!!

But the real roadblock? My nerdy gibberish.

Star Wars and comic books flow in my blood. My brain is at least 90% full of D&D knowledge, from the original boxed set game my papa bought for himself and was quickly glommed on to by me, all the way up to 5th edition (but missing 4th for very minor reasons). Even WoW makes it into my daily vocabulary!! What do I call my morning paperwork? “Doing my dailies!” Problematic clients? Today’s raid boss encounter. Thankfully a surprising number of my current coworkers are also gamers and generally catch what I’m saying.

But a brand new therapist? I must be quite a lot. You must first learn an entire new language and culture, just to untangle the neurotic mess that is me!!


I’m more or less okay these days. Turns out I really just need a cocktail of uppers for the ADHD and downers for the I think my psychiatrist called an Acute Panic Disorder.

So I’d go into fight or flight mode for reasons I couldn’t remember. Big fun.

Doing okay now with ya know. These drug prices fluctuate violently and everything is wildly expensive. But alcohol is dirt cheap and fun to mix with SSRIs for everyone who isn’t you. So that’s neat.

But still in a much better place than I was just a few years ago. I frequently despair at my own existence then go “Hey. Youre living on your own. You pay your bills. You’ve meaningful relationships. Why are we freaking out?” which was frequently my therapists job.

I still freeze up and catastrophize but can walk myself out’ve it before I go “Well if I’m doomed, best not go out sober” on like a Tuesday for reasons only discernable to me.


Never tasted it but isn’t it a fish that was cleaned by soap that is washed off with water?

I’ve tasted Eggs soaked in Soap: The Century Eggs taste the same as normal Eggs though the yolks are on the soft boiled side to my chagrin…

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Anyone else kinda having this?

Like I’ve jumped through so many living spaces and relationships over what felt like a blink I still frequently wake up convulsed at my surroundings.

All things considered I came out the other side of the plague better but man. I’m so glade I can remember one January evening where I drank with my childhood best friebds and than fell asleep in my parents living room as one friend binge watched “The Witcher”.

It’s such a nothing moment but that was the last hooray of my youth. Used to have nights like that all the time. Suddenly it’s difficult to schedule a lunch meeting.

My dad always said it’ll go quicker than you’ll imagine but damn that world event hit the warp speed on it.

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:eyes: :sparkles:

We may be long-lost cousins 8 times removed! :smile: I am Acadian/Mi’kmaq!

Also, being sorry is a Canadian past time. We even apologize when we’re told to stop apologizing. It’s honestly like saying ‘um’ at this point.


All this talk about therapists and such, I’m a psychologist and I was looking into some pos graduation to do, and will start next march TCC (terapia cognitivo comportamental in PT and in EN cognitive behavioral therapy) but while I was looking I found a therapily that is focused on groups so it is a more broad kind of therapy, that uses D&D and board games, I found it cool cuz through characters you can help ppl face traumas and overcome difficult situations in life.
Perhaps one day I’ll give it a chance, but as of now I first must learn more of the basics before going into something so complex.


My therapist and I were talking about DnD as a part of therapy a while back, and that partially inspired me to look for a group to play with. My group isn’t really a therapy group but we are all supportive of each other, which has been really nice.


From what I read in their page this D&D therapy works like this:
The master will be the therapist
The group cannot have less than 3 ppl and no more than 8
Each person must have a particular session with the same therapist, so it cannot be the sole “kind” of therapy you’ll be using.
You have total freedom to create a character how you see fit and it is the therapist work to create situations and proximity between the person and the others players and of course between you and your reason to be there.

The main reasons for this kind of therapy would be to deal with social traumas, drug addiction and depression.

So its does not work alone as a normal therapy but rather as auxiliary therapy. To break through some barriers I think.


I guess you won’t be showing up. That’s OK, Steve. I know you’ll be at that Blizzcon conference, and every day it motivates me to get up and greet the day, the certainty that you’ll be there and we’ll finally, FINALLY get to talk. Whew, pretty crazy, isn’t it, how life turns out? Anyway, I gotta go. They’ve

That’s an interesting idea.

Because I’ve seen D&D more as a collaborative story telling with a gameplay mechanism for stakes.

More coming up with interesting characters I think would be neat to play and interact with than anything I’m trying to work through. But I’ve zero doubt a psychologist could come up with a shockingly accurate pysch profile if they read all my characters.

WoW’s if anything stayed relevant to me because I enjoy RPing characters for the same reason. The game itself I think is actually quite fun but coming up with little stories and personalities for my characters is what sells it. Some of which I’ve hardly even RP’ed it’s just neat dreaming up character concepts.

To the surprise of I’m sure no one I was a theater kid and that desire to say weird ish in a costume never truly goes away.


Finally saw Sir Gawain and the Green Knight.

For context, I grew up too broke for electricity and (battery operated) radio dramas at 8pm and library books were my formative years.

It was… ok. But we went off script a few times to Teach A Lesson About Regret. It was a bit heavy handed, but I suppose that’s cinema.

I should try therapy, but it’s not very accessible in my neck of the woods so it’s all alcoholism and dark humor ahaha. But not too much alcoholism because it’s counterproductive.


Hmm what I’m gonna say is just my opinion so take it with a grain of salt.

I think this D&D therapy works in the sections or themes it is proposed to, which is drug addiction, depression and social traumas.
When you have an addiction you must talk about it to others, release the weight on your chest about that, it is the first step, and cope with methods to how you are going to deal with that addiction, so a D&D game would probably help in the social section of the treatment, helping you socialize while talking about your addiction, the game would work as means to break the cold between you and everyone else.

When talking about depression or social traumas, the game would work in the trust you have with everyone else around you, to help you see that you can trust in the process and of course the game would take you out for a few hours from reality, even though you know you are there for a treatment, it does not mean it must be a “doctor vs patient” situation, and in the case of teenagers and children this kind of therapy probably will be alot more effective given they are more prone to open up about their stuff and overcome some situations when working together with other ppl of the same age, making new friends and having fun.

So probably a D&D therapy would not work with an adult who’s reason for therapy is to talk about their work problems, existence crises, relationships, anxiety or any kind of more deep situation that requires privacy and deep conversations with the therapist.

Buuuuuuuuut like I said this is just my opinion based on what I learned in these 5 years of gradution and working in a hospital as treinee in psychology so it can be wholy wrong or at least I got something wrong here and there.


Hush, Tyrande.

I am still writing things for my D&D project. Not anything fancy or fun, just a pdf with all the every NPC from every game I’ve run in my homebrew setting. It is…

A whole bunch of a lot.

So do not worry, I am still around, just clickity-clackering away on my keyboard!!


Ahh, that Hazbin Hotel ending. I need more!!!

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:scream_cat: :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated:

A homebrew setting… I just assumed it was a module I’d never heard of… yep, that is true, just it’s even better it’s a homebrew!!

… I wasn’t worried… nope, not been feeling anxious or anything… I’ll be fine, I know I will.

Nice to know you’re doing good. :dracthyr_comfy_sip:


Yuh, I have been working on my game world for… Gosh, over twenty years? But we’ve only been actively playing in it for maybe 15 years. Building my own world is probably the most funnest things, because it doesn’t ever really end!!