Get effed, Ben. I’m apologizing here.
I read that in a Boston accent…
Yeah well I apologize for nothing. I say triple down but then improve your behavior ‘because that’s the only earnest apology’. With the obvious benefit of your first discretion being now normalized.
Have I mentioned my involvement in politics?
You have, and shut the hell up about it.
Oh, and also, I’m sorry.
I’m determined to be a self-deprecating arschhole, apparently.
e: Sorry about that.
Sure you’re not Canadian?
You know I’m not. I’m just a Louisianian. Lot’s of connections there, what with the Acadians and the Quebecois.
Oh, was that your foot? Soory
Sometimes, it’s all about the spirit of the thing.
Like apologizing for existing. See also Saint Paul. But not Minneapolis.
Or maybe the other way around. I’m not sufficiently versed in the ways of Minnesota to make that joke with confidence.
I thought it was basically just the Twin Cities?
There IS a distinction and it can get weirdly territorial at times. I have relatives down there and I’ve been lectured on the finer details.
Sounds kinda like here with tomatoes in gumbo or jambalaya. People have deep-seated feelings about it, but they’ll still eat it.
Oh right Frenchmen who wandered over from Novascotia. Creole, Cajun, it’s all Greek to me. Just keep it coming with the fried allogator tail and you’re A Okay in my book.
I’ll certainly take the French over the English. But I’d take the English over the Belgians. History’s complicated like that.
I’m pretty sure you just started a war.
The only Minnesotans I know are first gen American Somalis.
And that’s always baffled me. Like how’d you go from East Africa to one of the coldest states in the union? Idk my family largely came from the Alps and hung around the Great Lakes region which has some topographic similarities.
If they’d picked Arizona I think they would’ve burst into flame.
To be honest, refugees rarely get to select where they are relocated to. Who the heck wants to go to Minnesota?
Fans of Lutefisk and Garrison Keillor?
So, I have a strange suggestion: Give a call to your local homeless shelter or similar service.
I work at one, and if you lived in my state, I could pretty quickly help you find an affordable clinical therapist, because it’s a resource we use quite a lot. Unfortunately, there isn’t anything national that is also useful. And before you say “but I’m not homeless,” that probably won’t be much problem at all. A small number of shelters might make that a sticking point, but most (at least in my area and the surrounding states) still offer plenty of resources to the regular community. It comes as part of the job.
So maybe give them a call. Just my two pennies.
No, that makes no sense, we do not apologize in this state at all. Not really. Maybe you will get a “eh, sorry?” but that is all.
That sounded more to me like a New York style apology; stating that you are apologizing, without actually apologizing.
I will do that. I thank you for your tuppence, genuinely.