Story Forum Community Lounge (Part 2)

Definitely. This is the good stuff I crave.


This is a new spelling to me, but I recognized it as a cognate of the Bantu Kicongo, which would mean the language from around Congo river. See? This is cool stuff!

Ki, the language; Wa, the people; U, the place. This may vary based on the Bantu language in question*, but in Swahili itā€™s: Kiswahili, the language; Waswahili, the people who speak or identify as Swahili (itā€™s historically complicated), and Uswahili, the place where Waswahili live.

There are centuries of literature in these languages, but we donā€™t know about them because some white dudes didnā€™t think they seemed sufficiently Greek or Latin to translate or whatever.

*also depends on noun class, which is another interesting thing I wonā€™t go into here


So I think I shall be taking a week off from WoW. Not the forums, just the game itself. I have a project I am working on and enjoying a lot, so I shall be focusing on that!


Best of luck with that and I hope you have fun with it too :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


On a Portuguese note, I speak Spanish about as well as I speak English (you know, badly), and Iā€™m sort of convinced that for a while, I was in a Brazilian tourist app of some sort, because people would come in asking for the girl who spoke Spanish at my coffee shop.

And then I could usually help a little because if you speak Spanish and Portuguese/highly accented Spanish back and forth very slowly and with lots of trying different words and gesticulation, you can absolutely confuse both parties. But sometimes explain where the bus picks up people or where the nearest bathroom is.

I kind of miss that.


Weā€™re just gonna gloss over the adorable new transmog, huh Sledgie? Ok, thatā€™s fine.


:scream_cat: :crying_cat_face:



:dracthyr_comfy_sip: Ok, still gonna miss seeing you in game, even if Iā€™m also having less reasons to game right now.


Look, I look dashing in a vest.


You really do.

Iā€™m generally impressed by how awesome other toons look, even if itā€™s a look Iā€™m unlikely to ever use for my own just because I canā€™t imagine them wearing it.


Thereā€™s a reason I gravitate towards druids. These gloves arenā€™t right? eff it, Iā€™m a crow now.


Alynsa and Nightsong, Iā€™m sorry for jabbering on. I hope you both get a good nightā€™s sleep. I like naps, but Iā€™m an old man who benefits from such things.


You do apologize a lot. Donā€™t take this the wrong wayā€¦ but have you considered talking to someone? No matter how old we are it is never too late to seek help.

Also, thereā€™s little about WoW specifically that keeps me up at night. The same goes for these forumsā€¦ though thatā€™s also not entirely true, as how I regard Alynsa does impact my life beyond these forums.

Finally, my sleep issues are decades old and related to my mental health, which therapy is helping with.

Regardless I can assure you nothing you have done has kept me up at night, at least not in a bad way, sometimes itā€™s not so much that I need to sleep and canā€™t so much as it is that I need to and donā€™t want to because something has caught my attention and is more important.

Interesting notesā€¦ naps/sleep, differentiated by the length of sleep with a nap being between ten and thirty minutes, helps with processing short term memory into long term memory. This can aid if learning new skills as our minds can only retain so much short-term memory before it is lost. This is why when learning new skills/information we often grow tired as we are working our minds more than normal.


They have like negative gravity for meā€¦

See this is exactly why I donā€™t play themā€¦ Iā€™m not a fan of the shapeshifting stuff. I take my characterā€™s looks fairly seriously as well as their backgrounds.


I do! And Iā€™d had an LPC until the state Government decided that I made too much money, though provided no alternatives.


Yeah, Iā€™m not sure what Iā€™d do if that happened for myself. Iā€™m by no means well off and Iā€™m terrified of hitting that doughnut of not enough to afford the help I need and too much to get help finding the help I need.

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On the vest mog issue, Sledge has always, in my head, been an absolutely gung-ho sort of dwarf. Sheā€™s a classic Bronzebeard ā€“ curious to the point of rudeness, no boundaries, no off-switch.

Sheā€™s my charge first, think later warrior and she usually rides a bear and has lots of flaming red hair.

I think sheā€™d probably like the archeology in this expac until she got thrown out for breaking things by accident. The glasses are probably OOC and should be replaced by something more consistent, but theyā€™re cute, dangit.


Well, Iā€™m there! My wife and I have to navigate like this right now


Sadly, all I can do is offer my thoughts and hope you can manage going forward.


Let me get an apology in there somewhere


Checking out that Hazbin Hotel show.

Iā€™m not the biggest fan of the art style but as someone who does dream of creative pursuits the idea of dropping a pilot on Youtube and getting A24 to produce a series a few years later is pretty cool.

Obviously Iā€™m partial to scary looking degenerates being the erstwhile protagonists and gallows humor so unsurprisingly Iā€™m amused. Though Iā€™m more of a Necropolis than Inferno boy if you get that reference so Iā€™m not the easiest lay for the concept.

But made me laugh out loud a few times so far so good. Partial to the archdevil constantly talking smack in a 1930s Atlantic accent.

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