Story Forum Community Lounge (Part 2)

Uh, that’s the good stuff? I guess?

That’s hands down one of my favorite games of all time!

Laying down the old school hits, you are.

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Lol, it’s a habit of mine.

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Gilneans meeting the Scarlets;

You fooled me! There’s no rats in there!

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Just looked up Commander Shadowsun and Commander Farsight and discovered that Shadowsun is aware of Aun’va’s demise while Farsight is not.

In otherwords the Tau Empire is embracing the Goddess Tau’va even if Farsight is not but instead looking at the Orks’ ability to close Chaos Portals while being Xenophobic towards other species.

Farsight is basically an Emperor who knows better than to keep secrets and yet unlike the Emperor his Anti-Religion Anti-Xenos faction is the lowly traitor faction while the Pro-Religion Pro-Xenos Faction is the reigning Empire.

The Tau Empire hopefully can learn of the exact details of Horus’s demise(specifically the part where he cast the Chaos Corruption off himself like a cloak), how Chaos Cultists have a degree of freedom as well as how Daemons can create more Daemons & Daemon Princes.

These details can help get the Tau to take advantage of Chaos Cultists by inducing some of their Daemon Princes to create suitable Daemons and Daemon Princes embodying moral aspects of themselves to serve the Greater Good as proof of their free will then inducing them into throwing off Chaos Corruption as further proof right before shooting them dead(Chaos would probably notice and deliberately let go of the Cultists just for the sake of punishing them by throwing them at the mercy of the Tau).

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I have it on good authority that Commander Shadowsun and Commander Farsight kissed and it was very cute.


The Ethereal Council alas still have a bounty on his head and rejected his surrender so him spending the rest of his life with Commander Shadowsun is unlikely.

The Tau Empire getting it’s own Daemons and learning of what Horus did(using that knowledge to acquire a means to create Daemons grabbed by Tau’va) is more likely than Farsight rejoining the Tau Empire despite Shadowsun’s power over it that allows her to welcome the Goddess Tau’va with open arms.

Chaos has power over it’s Daemon Princes yet in turn said Daemon Princes have their own power over their own Daemons and Daemon Princes so any Daemon Prince who creates Daemons of Morality to prove their freedom and follow it up by giving up that power to further prove said freedom(failing to realize that Chaos is actually letting them go to punish them for going rogue knowing they will be killed) just to wind up sacrificed to Tau’va(binding the Daemons they created to her instead of their masters) would serve the goals of the Greater Good(and Tzeentch as well).

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Yeah, but they be smoochin’. You know they be smoochin’.


I think I forgot how to sleep again.



Same here… but I know will remember how to sleep again when I am at work… and have to fight it off.

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Hugs Sorry to hear that. Hope you feel better soon :bear:


Hey more respect please? Hahah jokes aside
It is a complicated language but I can’t see this comparison of yours it does not work in my mind.
At least for my Brazilian Portuguese. As for portugal Portuguese if thats the one you were having in mind, perhaps that could work.

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I’m so sorry, I meant no disrespect at all! And I was speaking about Iberian Portuguese, not Brazilian.

I think Spain and Portugal (much like the U.S.) could stand a bit of good-natured ribbing.

I’m joking, relax no offense taken.
And I know portuguese is one of the most dificult and complex languages to learn.

Edit: I got rather curious about the sound.
Cuz like I said I do get the similarities when thinking about portugal portuguese but couldn’t think of any Brazilian accent that resemble a Czech sound.

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It’s weird, because when I hear Brazilian Portuguese, it just sounds like, well what it is. Portugal Portuguese just sounds… well, weird. I wonder if its like how American English sounds more like British English sounded several hundred years ago, but modern British English has changed dramatically?

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Wish, I could help. Not sleeping well myself… Too much to think about.


Yeah I think it is a similar situation but it is waay closer american English to english english than Br pt is to Pt pt.

I just read about the sintaxe and it is very different indeed from iberian portuguese

Time and about 12 other languages did the work to set us brazilian and portugueses apart.
The brazilian portuguese evolved in a different direction from the european one, while one stayed “unmoved” for about 200 years, ours evolved quickly in the last 150 years, getting influences from native american( tupi-guarani), native african( iorubá, quicongo, quimbundo e umbundo), french, italian and to a lesser extend japanese.

So yeah both american English and brazilian portuguese deviate from their mother language cuz of how our countries were built and how the second great war played too, we both were safe places for alot of ppl from both europe and asia.
Thats cool.