Story Forum Community Lounge (Part 2)


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Like you said, youā€™re Welsh. We all know them to be Beastmen. This isnā€™t a language itā€™s a transcribed howl;

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Like I said, I would love to talk about language.


Well yeah, even our darkest moments are part of the journey that brought us here to this moment in time where we crossed paths and got to meet each other.

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I dunno Nightsong. That sounds like some destiny talk. And as you all know.


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ā€¦ lol

Well yes at the end of the day you are the one choosing how to react to the variables youā€™ve been presented with for the moment that you have to react.

Personally, Iā€™m very much not a fan of even the concept of destiny, just seems like a copout for not wanting to be responsible or something.

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Sounds like someone doesnā€™t want to bear an irrational burden borne of ghosts.

Given my stock Iā€™m actively upset I havenā€™t conquered half of Europe in a land war by 30.


Mardi Gras balls are an example of why Capitalism basically funds racism and misogyny. And this is this is my work life until Dance Recitals are a thing in April through July.

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Saw you, Ben. Mardi Gras is a holiday of the vastly rich.

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Iā€™ll be honest, Iā€™m having a hard time parsing thisā€¦

By irrational burden borne of ghosts do you mean that I donā€™t want to honor my ancestors? If so, thatā€™s generally true. My grandma conveyed the simple wisdom that I am not beholden to the sins of my kin and should not pretend that family is anything more than a foundation upon which I can build a future, and if in doing so I find the foundation wanting I should do what I need to to move on and build a foundation that can support the life I desire.

Iā€™d strongly advise invading Russia during the late spring, and focusing on logistics.


Me living with a black man whoā€™s ancestry probably murdered or enslaved mine given his ethnic proximity to the barbary coast and fair New Orleans where they lynched a bunch of Sicilians;

Quite the opposite. Meaning I want to honor my ancestry but itā€™s a pretty confused line of randoms from the Tyrol mountains, the south end of Italy and a bunch of German-Poles.

So I figure I should just claim Austria and marry a wealthy person.


You know better than that, come on. Iā€™m apparently Irish. My family had no idea. We were all Cajun-like. My Uncle did a huge family history, but he was a huge member of his local Sons of the Confederacy or what the effing ever and linked our maternal family to an English trading ship. He was desperate to make sure we werenā€™t Irish.
Turns out? WHOOPS weā€™re all Irish. But what does that actually mean?

It doesnā€™t mean anything.


I mean fair point but my paternal grandparents were supporters of the Civil Rights movement precisely because they saw their Italian immigrant parents get treated like dog ish. My mid 70 year old dad has memories of helping out with the all Italian, Latino and Black volunteer firefighter fundraisers when he was a kid. Unsurprisingly it was food based because they danced around the largely WASP community.

As for the krauts the oldest members of that side were Prussian mercenaries who fought for the Union in the American Civil War and settled in Nebraska. They were instrumental in cleaeing my Great Grandfatherā€™s immigration and saved my family from being all but annihilated by the N@ZIs and WW2 in general. Millenia of history in that region and thereā€™s like 12 people in Austria / Germany today.

My family really was on the up and up for the most part. Yeah some were N@ZIs but they got blown to ish so allā€™s good.


Really? Weā€™re just a bunch of white people bouncing around what being white is.


I despise the statement ā€œWhiteā€. WTF does that even mean? I am the child of the Tyrol and Italian Peninsula. My history stretches back farther than anyone can remember and will stretch further than I can know.

Iā€™m proud of my peoples achievements and mindful of their frequently bloody mistakes. Iā€™m a lot of things but I reject the moniker of white.

No, Iā€™m Austro-Italian. I reject the British invention of Whiteness which by the by DECIDEDLY did not include me until recently.

Oh, my friend. Oh.

Donā€™t know what you mean by that. But Iā€™ll tell you if the Pompeii exhibit ever comes by I recommend checking it out. Came to Chicago and I had a ā€œMy ancestorsā€ moment looking at thr grafiti.

Like 900% some ish I would write on a ish-house wall.

ā€œWow we were both petty little bisexual gremlinsā€

You and I are still ā€œwhiteā€ whether you you want to believe it or not. Sorry. Ask the U S of A for more information. The racism is a bit endemic.