My stone sense is too weak.
I have to lick sandstone to tell if it’s a fossil like everyone else.
My stone sense is too weak.
I have to lick sandstone to tell if it’s a fossil like everyone else.
And if I were undead I’d probably live in a routinely foggy deciduous forest and be a pale weirdo with a loud haircut who has a lot of macabre decorations. Maybe I’d even have a fondness for largely reviled creatures like rats.
On an unrelated note;
You choose to lick rocks and wonder how we all found out you’re an IRL dwarf.
It’s an easy cheat for “bone fragment or weird iron nodule”. Except when it isn’t.
It’s just fine Sledgie.
We all know that you, like all your fellow dwarves, eat rocks.
I just simply wish you felt comfortable enough with us to admit your dwarfiness.
For reasons I also know bone has a unique sticky texture most ceramics, wood and rock lack.
Bene, I will NOT make any too-obvious jokes about you licking things and bones. I do not wish to be time-outted today, thank you very much!!
I thought I told you specifically not to do this.
Psst. Wanted to be an archeologist. Until I learned it’s mostly a boring academic career that in many cases is just a rush for a professor position.
They don’t even teach you how to use a piatol, wield a bull whip or murder/seduce N@ZIs.
I look forward to the cockroach farms.
Toasted mealworms and crickets are actually pretty delicious when seasoned well.
This sounds exactly like an IRL bearman person would say.
I assume you might also be a thornspeaker irl too.
There is this great childrens’ museum in New Orleans that has a “bug cafe” and the pass out some awesome snacks.
Tbf I’m very picky with men. But I’m open to pretty much all women who aren’t blood relatives.
Funny that all the adults were enjoying the chitinous snacks and the kids were aghast.
Yeah we know it’s French.
Ok, so just to summarize.
Sledgie is a known and proven IRL dwarf. We have known this for a long time now.
Bene might be an actual undead, but is very much likely to be an IRL warlock.
Tam is 100% the real-world equivalent of a Kul Tiran druid thornspeaker.
Just to be clear, I am not actually a mocha elf irl. I may also be teeny, but my hair is much more floofy and thick, and I could never pull off my character’s look. And my eyes are not glowy green, they are brownish-black.
I am still just a normal human person.
Oh please. I haven’t taken the form of a goat to corrupt the souls of Englishwomen for some 400 years now.
Actually I’ve been a worgen main for a long time. I just want to leave my broken brain posts so that no one intimates that I’m trying change characters.
I am my bad posts.
Oh yeah? Well…