Story Forum Community Lounge (Part 2)

No crap. I’m aware of that. My point, once again, is that’s British yammering. One enshrined into law. But that doesn’t make it more empirically true.

Point is the reduction of culture to broad stroke racial lines is completely asinine. I should know half of my ethnicity only got added to the “White” column in the 1960s. It’s a damn nebulous concept because it’s complete nonsense.

Can I cross points with you in the morning?

I have to work and Mardi Gras balls wont work themselves.

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Feel free.

My point Whiteness and every other modicum of race is utter nonsense because the concept of race is nonsense.

Humanity is full of tribes each of which have fascinating stories and traditions. Even a term as geopolitically pertinent like Chinese or Indian does precious little to anthropologically define dozens of unique cultures.

Dangit. I was trying to go to bed.

You’re not wrong.

Yeah we can get into the weeds of law. But that’s rarely if ever logical. It’s in fact usually nonsense. We’ve a court of the oldest mfers examining a document from centuries ago to see how modern laws should apply.

That is completely insane but we all accept it.

Dammit. Ben, let me shut up.

I’ve campaigned forl the Alderman position. I’m not 100% sure what that position entails and I was allowed to campaign for them.

Hell I’m only vaguely aware of what a comptroller does and I get to help pick one.

Just embrace the chaos;

My chronic pain has been kicking my butt lately, so I’ve been kind’ve M.I.A but to come back to 100+ messages about bone licking (lmao) and bug eating is strangely comforting. Rock on, you buncha weirdos.

Random anecdotes I came to mention:

  • Getting the rare/treasure drops colorway of the Zaralek Caverns set is ridiculous. I have approximately 380572587 pairs of boots but 0 belts, helms, chest pieces or shoulders to speak of. How many smelly trash piles do I have to rifle through? I myself, am becoming a smelly trash pile.
  • Leveling my Engineering and I hate it so hard, especially after I dropped it for literally NO reason at the beginning of DF. If I need another handful of serevite bolts I’m going to weep.
  • As much as I cringe at another rep grind, the characters they introduced with the Azerothian Archives are super fun. Honorable mention to Eadweard Dalyngrigge who is now my Uncle, I will not be taking questions at this time.

Edit: I lied, I remember now that dropped Engineering to take up Herbalism/Alchemy because the gardening hat on Naovi when she was a Vulpera was painfully adorable.


If you’re in a zombie apocalypse show, and you use zombies as a weapon to kill other humans, are you really making the world a better place?

Ok, before I get ready to go make wealthy people feel even better about being wealthy, yes. Race as a social construct is bullpoop, but it is real bullpoop used to assign privilege to favored classes. The terms “Chinese” or “Indian” aren’t really relevant because they’re terms used for polities. Both are ridiculously diverse ethnically, linguistically, and culturally. China has had an itch to become a Han ethno-state for quite a while now, but they still have nothing on the U.S. for what we still maintain here. “Whiteness” has been a fluid thing for the entire history of of Europeans in the Americas, but that doesn’t make it any less expedient for people of privilege today. Take these Mardi Gras balls (huh huh huh balls) that my colleagues and I are virtually forced to work because there isn’t anything else for people of our skillsets going on right now (which is also cyclical because they have the money to take over most of the venues in southern Louisiana during this time, so none of the arts could have events or performances even if they wanted or had the means to): they’re all white as hell. You can find groups like the Krewe of Zulu, a very historic black Krewe in New Orleans, but they’re a direct reaction to the whiteness of the entire Mardi Gras system. It’s not just a big party for everyone who happens to be around. It’s a display of wealth and privilege that has it’s roots in reminding the filthy poor who’s in power. Just these balls alone charge hundreds, sometimes thousands of dollars for a seat at a table, and the cost of actually being in a Krewe and rolling in a parade is far beyond that. It’s analogous to “You Must be This Tall to Ride This Rollercoaster” but substitute height for wealth, race, and privilege.

I use my present work as an example, but you can see this sort of thing everywhere if you just look. “White” doesn’t strictly mean anything, but American cops don’t care about that. Medical researchers don’t care about that (also see: primarily studying Assigned Male at Birth who identify as Male people), and most importantly, policy makers don’t care about that. White is “good” for whatever White means this particular few decades.

We can remind people about how our particular ancestors weren’t considered white at one time, but that doesn’t make us less white today.


So anyway, as I put my riding boots on, who wants to talk about how dumb gendered noun languages are? Or how cases in so many Indo-European languages work? German has some doozies, but not as many as Slovak or Koine Greek!


Arabic uses gendered nouns to describe every inanimate object. I don’t know how they assigned genders to each object.

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No language I’ve studied has any logic to what gender they assign nouns to. It’s a hullabaloo.

My boots are on, and I’ve got a motorcycle to ride.


My warm winter hat is a man and my shoes are a woman.

My backpack is a man and my table is a woman. Just 'cause!


In unrelated news, finally got my red/green dreamtalon form. So that’s done. Just need some veteran(463 ilvl fully upgraded) gear to drop from doing Emerald Dream weekly quests


Being bi-lingual (French/English) this cracks me up. I always have such a bizarre internal thought process when I’m speaking/writing French like ‘Hey, is this a boy fork or a girl fork?’


She was the general manager for Call Of Duty’s esports league

So, last week I had a DnD event that basically was just us sitting around a campfire in the middle of a dark forest on storm filled night. We all had a ton of fun.

My character is a Drow raised Half-elf who six years prior discovered a scroll that showed them something (left vague for the GM) that drove them to forsake everything, their name/identity even family and friends to try and stop something from happening, this drove them into joining the Druids of the Dreadspore, a circle whose members all survived being joined to a fungus and developing a symbiosis with it. Forever changed they walk a path they can’t see hoping that it will lead them to the ending they need, if not the one they desire.

The rest of the group, that I’ve met, is a Warforged who was driven to become a Paladin of Hoar. A rather large, and nearly feral, Dragonborn Barbarian who is now the Warforged’s apprentice. Another Dragonborn that is a cleric who must injure themselves as part of their healing rituals. A half-elf ranger who just learned she has gained the attention of a possible god and become the guardian of a welpling. We also have a changeling that has shown a willingness to protect others. Finally, we have a Monk, I’ve barely engaged with (player is cool they just play very distant with their character), and another pair of characters that I only glimpsed before the mists took them, (players haven’t been able to get to the games…).

The land is strange as it seems composed of pieces drawn from our own pasts, My character has found rocks that come from the Underdark some have Druidic marks on them confirming that they are ones she knows. Stranger still is the mists seem to come at random and deliver people to the group or take them away. Moreover, the dead do not rest as if something didn’t want them too.

I’ve only been to four games and it’s amazing.

Tonight, we meet again… I’m so glad I started down this little side road; this has been a heck of a ride for me.

I could never have guessed it’d go so well or turn out so fun.